Chapter 1054 Ling Ling’s Visit 1
"She won't move, let's go!" Ling Zhi frowned, a little impatient.

"How?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and asked amusedly, is he going to fly over?
Lingzhi snorted arrogantly, this is a very simple matter for her, okay?

Lingzhi hugged Ye Rumu's waist, "Let's go!"

After finishing speaking, he flew straight up, passed Ling Ling, and walked away!

Lingling was immediately stunned. How could that little girl, who looked only in her teens, be able to fly?Only people with advanced spiritual power can fly!

And seeing how skillfully the little girl flies, it is obvious that she is not just in the realm of high-level spiritual power!

Lingling looked bewildered, when did Ye Rumu have such a powerful person beside Ye Rumu in the Twilight Academy?
Why is there no news at all?

However, after Ye Rumu left, what Lingling was most concerned about was whether Baili Yao had also appeared?

Thinking about it, Ling Ling didn't think too much, and rushed directly to the Twilight Academy.

When I arrived at Twilight College, looking at the closed gate, Lingling gritted her teeth and struggled. Instead of choosing the main gate to enter, she detoured around the wall behind. For her who has spiritual power, although she is still flying Can't get up, but this small wall can't stop her footsteps!

Lingling knew that there was still no one in the Twilight Academy, so she was very bold when she entered.

Sure enough, after Ling Ling landed on the ground, no one saw her!
Being at Twilight Academy is like shopping!
Ling Ling would never have imagined that it would be so easy to get into the Twilight Academy!She didn't expect that the scenery inside the Twilight Academy was the most beautiful among all the academies she had ever seen!

It's just that she doesn't have time to appreciate the scenery now, the most important thing is to find Baili Yao!

It's been a year, and Lingling feels like she's going crazy now!

Although she didn't know, why did she become like this?However, it’s all good to follow your own heart!There is no need to deliberately hide the thoughts in your heart.

Sudden!When Lingling saw a standing figure standing upright, her heart skipped a beat, she was taken aback!
That figure... If I remember correctly, it was the Qing Jue next to Ye Rumu!
Thinking of this Qingjue, that appearance is really stunning!
The more she thought about it, the more Lingling felt it was unfair. Why was Ye Rumu surrounded by high-quality men?It felt like all the best-looking people gathered around her!
The moment Ling Ling appeared, Qing Jue had already noticed her existence, frowned, and felt that this person's aura was very strange, so he must not be from the Twilight Academy!
However, Qing Jue did not startle the snake, and stood still calmly.

Seeing Qingjue standing still, Ling Ling almost thought that Qingjue was asleep. Although she didn't intend to alarm Qingjue, but...the place where Qingjue was standing was the only way!

So, Ling Ling is not going to leave, and it is not going to go!

Immediately, there was such a stalemate, Lingling always thought that Qingjue hadn't found her, so she hid in a hidden place and waited for Qingjue to leave before she went out.

However, the spiritual power has already reached the middle level Qingjue, and with a higher cultivation base than Lingling, it is easy to discover Lingling's existence!
Knowing that an outsider broke in, Qing Jue would not just leave like this.

The picture seemed to be still, Lingling looked at Qing Jue's back who had not moved for several hours,

(End of this chapter)

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