Chapter 1067
However, Canghai College has a long history, much longer than Twilight College. It is not unusual for some old monster-like characters to be hidden. After all, people in the world of cultivating immortals can live for a long, long time!

After thinking about it, since Ganoderma lucidum used to live in the world of cultivating immortals with a dream, did he know everything about the world of cultivating immortals at that time?
"Ganoderma lucidum, how much do you know about the Twilight Academy that hasn't declined before?" Ye Rumu asked.

"There is no Twilight Academy that has declined?" Ganoderma lucidum listened to this question, looked around at the current Twilight Academy, and said casually: "Thousands of years ago, I went around with my master and came to the Twilight Academy once. The Twilight Academy at that time was very beautiful! Well... It can be said that it was an existence that countless people looked up to, but now it has become like this... Tsk tsk, how should I put it, it can only be said that the people in the Twilight Academy are too honest and serious! People from other academies preserved their strength, only the people from Twilight Academy rushed to the front with all their might, and used their lives to protect the world of cultivating immortals. As a result, Twilight Academy declined like this, who can remember What? Oh... Maybe some people would praise the greatness of the Twilight Academy when it just happened that year, but... what's the use of that? People are gone!"

When Ganoderma lucidum mentions this, it can make a lot of complaints!
The place where everyone stays here is not too big, so everyone can still hear the voice of Ganoderma lucidum clearly!
No one would have imagined that the Twilight Academy, which was once prosperous for a while, declined like this!
Indeed, by now, not many people remember it!
"No wonder people forget... Even if we grew up in the Twilight Academy, we didn't know it so clearly...Ganoderma lucidum, you mean, you came to the Twilight Academy thousands of years ago? Then you now..." Mu Yan Pointing at the Ganoderma lucidum, staring up and down with wide eyes, it looks like a little girl!
"Hmph! Do you think I'm small? According to the age calculation of our spirit beasts, although I have lived for 1 years, I am only eight years old now!" Lingzhi said proudly.

Mu Yan: "..."

"..." The others dropped their jaws in shock.

It turns out that Ganoderma lucidum is actually a spirit beast, and it has lived for so many years and can transform into a human form!
That must be very powerful!

No wonder Ye Rumu didn't look worried at all!
Of course, except for Baili Yao and Ye Xiaoye who knew the true identity of Ganoderma lucidum a long time ago, no one else knew it!

"Can you rest assured now?" Ye Rumu joked as he looked at the crowd.

Everyone nodded, but then Lingzhi discovered that no matter what, someone was spying on her!

Probably, to see her heroic appearance?

Thinking of this, Lingzhi didn't care anymore.

Zhang Ping outside the door was tired of knocking, but still no one came to open the door for them.

"This...Senior Queyu, no one opened the door..." Zhang Ping said weakly.

"Trash!" Que Yu yelled angrily, stepped forward, and kicked the door hard!

There was a muffled sound at the door, and Que Yu was numb from the pain from kicking the door!

Que Yu's face turned blue and white, and she shrank her feet and dared not make any sound.

"Brother Que, Queyu, are you alright?" Zhang Ping saw that Queyu had endured so much, although he was gloating in his heart,

(End of this chapter)

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