Chapter 1081 Old Friends Meet 3
"You just came out of customs. You probably don't know what Canghai Academy has done to Twilight Academy." Shang Zhen looked into the distance and asked indifferently.

When Cang Ming heard this, he frowned immediately, what can Cang Hai do to Twilight?
Before he had time to ask, Que Yu anxiously said: "Old Ancestor, it was Twilight Academy who provoked us, so we want to teach Twilight Academy a lesson. It's just a small fight, nothing major !"

"Huh? You are so impolite, the president is talking to your ancestors. When will it be your turn to interrupt? However, since you have also mentioned this matter, the president has to say a few words! Mu Just because the Academy of Light took No.2 in the academy competition, you suddenly became the third place. You are holding a grudge and want to accept Twilight Academy and drive Mu Daoyu and others to the barren land ! The president said it, right?"

After Shang Zhen finished speaking, he released a little coercion.

Feeling the suffocating pressure, Que Yu was already guilty, but now she couldn't make it up anymore!

Cangming frowned, he is from Canghai College after all, and the matter is still unclear, so he acted to relieve Queyu's pressure.

"Ancestor...everything I said is true, I dare not lie to my ancestors!" Queyu said quickly, anyway, what they killed, I don't believe that Shang Zhen and Twilight Academy can do anything to them!
"Hahaha, I haven't come out for many years. I can't think of the current juniors. They don't have any other skills. This kung fu of turning right and wrong is good!" Shang Zhen looked at Cangming with a sarcasm on his face and said with a sneer: "Look at you like this, yes Regardless of whether it is Canghai Academy's fault or not, you have to protect it?"

Cangming frowned, shook his head and said: "Old man, isn't this deity still not aware of what happened? Don't be angry, just figure it out before you talk about it. If this matter is really picked up by Canghai College for no reason, if you want to Accepting the Twilight Academy, this deity is the first one not to agree!"

Who doesn't know, back then he liked Mu Qing the most, and he would never let anyone touch the things Mu Qing left behind!

"Old guy, you'd better remember what you said!" Shang Zhen frowned, no matter how good the relationship was back then, times have changed now, who knows what they think now?
"Okay, old man, you're angry too, go sit down with me! Que Yu, right? Go and call the dean of your generation, and tell me that I have something to ask!" Cang Ming felt, since Now Twilight Academy has a small number of people. If you have been cautiously surviving, you will not take the initiative to provoke others. However, as I said, Twilight Academy won No.2 in the recent college competition. It's hardening up!
So Cang Ming can't decisively go to one side, he has to figure out the truth of the matter first.

Shang Zhen also knew Cangming's difficulties, and it was useless to be angry now, so he nodded and went to Cangming's former residence.

When he arrived at the residence, Cang Ming looked at the drowsy student guarding the door, frowned, and went up to slap him awake.

The student guarding the door was still young and had come to Canghai College not long ago. He was suddenly awakened by the sudden slap. The student immediately opened his eyes, looked at the two old men, Shang Zhen and Cang Ming, frowned, and scolded: "Who are you? Do you know where this is? You dare to break in!"

(End of this chapter)

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