Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1097 Opening of the Secret Realm 9

Chapter 1097 Opening of the Secret Realm 9
When we arrived at Yongning Town, where the competition usually took place, it was already crowded with people. As the person in charge, Mu Daoyu, the first thing he did when he came to Yongning Town was to find a place to live. Because he knew it would be very lively during this time, Mu Daoyu Dao Yu deliberately brought Ye Rumu and others over in advance, just to be able to grab the room.

But Mu Daoyu still overestimated everyone's speed. When he came, he walked through several inns but couldn't find any vacant rooms!
Helpless, Mu Daoyu and the others had no choice but to continue searching. Finally, at the last inn, he bought the remaining ten rooms!

Just when Mu Daoyu finished talking about the ten rooms, a woman's voice suddenly came from behind him!

"Wait! We want these ten rooms!" The woman's voice was arrogant, with a contemptuous feeling of arrogance.

Ye Rumu frowned and turned to look at the speaker.

The person who spoke was wearing a blue dress that was considered expensive just by looking at it. His face was delicate and beautiful, and there was boundless arrogance on it, as if no one was in his eyes. In fact, it was the same.

As if she couldn't see Mu Daoyu and the others, she said to the maid who was following her, "Go, give me the money."

The maid nodded, said yes, and walked over to put the money in her hand on the shopkeeper's table.

Ye Rumu's eyes turned cold, and she gave the money to the shopkeeper first, "We have already negotiated about ten houses, shopkeeper, take the money!"

Ye Rumu didn't care whether the shopkeeper was willing to take the money or not, so he just stuffed the money into the shopkeeper's hand, and after the shopkeeper took the money, the ten houses belonged to them.

"You!" The woman stared at Ye Rumu with eyes widened with exquisite eye makeup, and finally burst out laughing, "Aren't you doing this just to ask for more money? This lady pays ten times as much." The price, you give the room to Miss Ben, what do you want?"

"Ten times the silver? It's really a lot...but we...don't let it!" Ye Rumu also deliberately put his hands on his forehead, pretending to be tangled in thinking for a while.

The woman sneered, looking at the clothes on these people, she might have come from some remote country, if they refuse to let them, they must want more money!
"Twenty times!" When the woman said it, she didn't blink her eyes.

Now this is a hot place, local stores are starting to raise prices, and many things have been speculated to be ten times more expensive than usual, such as this room, if you don’t live, there are still people to live in, and the most important thing is Rich man!
"No, the room is already ours. Miss, you'd better go to the inn quickly, before the inn is all robbed." Ye Rumu asked lightly, looking at the other party, he knew that either rich or expensive However, their Twilight Academy is not easy to bully!
"Miss, this is the only inn in Yongning Town that has a house." The guard behind the woman stepped forward and whispered to the woman.

The woman's complexion changed, she originally wanted to stop fussing with this woman and go to another inn first, but after hearing this, she knew that she couldn't leave, because there was only room here!If you go out, you won't be able to find it!
"What do you want? Are you willing to let it out?" She took a deep breath, now let's get the place to live before talking about other things!

"Miss, I've said it many times, don't let me go."

(End of this chapter)

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