Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1099 Opening of the Secret Realm 11

Chapter 1099 Opening of the Secret Realm 11
As the saying goes, if there are three women in one play, there are four of them, so no matter how you say it, one and a half can be staged.

"Okay, my lord, Muyan, let's not irritate her. If she has the ability to investigate, she won't have time to argue with us here. It's probably not withdrawn! The eldest lady of the Shangguan family is just one A parasite who can't do anything?" Qing Yao is even more venomous, and she is not wrong, those noble young ladies who can really do things and are smart, how many can there be?
"Sister Qingyao's words are very reasonable. Although I don't know where the Shangguan's house is, but looking at the clothes of this Miss Shangguan, it should be pretty good. However, Miss Shangguan seems a bit old, why is she still a junior spirit?" What about strength? Could it be are too stupid to cultivate, right?" Mu Yan said in a startled way, and what she said seemed to be true!

"Don't you say that I haven't noticed yet? Didn't you say that the young masters and ladies of the big families are all very talented, and they can use medicines to pile up high spiritual power at a young age? Why is this Miss Shangguan, who has taken so many panacea, is still just a beginner? ?" Qing Yao frowned, looking at Muyan suspiciously.

"Oh, sister Qingyao, you don't understand this, people are stupid, they are still stupid to eat anything!" Mu Yan covered her mouth and smiled.

Shangguan Gu'er's face turned red with anger when he heard the person opposite you teasing her one sentence at a time!

"You! You guys! Hurry up and catch these sluts!" Shangguan Gu'er shouted uncontrollably. No one has ever dared to say that to her before!This is the first time!
The guards behind Shangguan Gu'er immediately looked at each other in blank dismay. When they came out, they had been ordered not to let the eldest lady make trouble. Now, isn't it just going to make trouble?
"Why don't you go up! Don't you even listen to what I say?" Shangguan Gu'er looked back, no one moved, and immediately became even angrier!

Are these people stupid!If they are all stupid, what is the use of them!Go back and tell your father to send these guards away!

"Miss... Patriarch gave orders when I came out, you can't act willfully!" The guard informed cautiously.

"What? This lady is self-willed and reckless? I have been bullied to the point of my nose, and you still don't do anything, what use is this lady asking you to do!" Shangguan Gu'er shouted angrily.

When the guards heard this, yes, although they said that the eldest lady should not be allowed to cause trouble, the Patriarch also said that the eldest lady should not be wronged!
So, the guards rushed up all at once!
However, before the person could be hit, he was directly beaten out by a powerful spiritual force!
Everyone didn't know what was going on, and they all searched for the source of this powerful spiritual power. Finally, the melon-eaters who were sitting and eating in the inn noticed someone walking down the stairs slowly.

Ximen Lin put his hands behind his back and walked down with a blank expression. Everything here seemed to have nothing to do with him. With this appearance, it was hard to think that the person who made the move just now would be him!

"Who are you! Why are you meddling in your own business!" After seeing Ximen Lin's handsome face, Shangguan Gu'er's anger dropped a lot, but it was only for a moment. Haven't you seen the handsome man?How could he be attracted by such a poor ghost?
(End of this chapter)

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