Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 110: The Misfortunes of the East 5

Chapter 110: The Misfortunes of the East 5
But in the eyes of the emperor, this confirmed what Ye Rumu said last night, that Conansheng really wanted to rebel!Even the officials in the imperial court listened to him and stood by him!At that time, if he wants to rebel, won't everyone agree?

Bailiyu held his breath in his heart, and couldn't bear it, he patted the desk a few times.

The minister below immediately fell silent, looking at each other, not knowing what was wrong.

Thinking of the emperor's stinky face, maybe things have changed, all the ministers didn't dare to say anything, and they all became quiet, for fear of accidentally touching the tiger's whiskers.

"Conansheng, where were you the night the treasury was stolen?" Bailiyu held back his anger and pointed at Conansheng and asked.

He still wanted to hear his justification, after all, he was the child he watched grow up and was also his good helper.However, if he really rebelled, even if it was his child, he would not let it go!
Conansheng faintly heard something was wrong, he didn't know why, he had a bad premonition in his heart, and his eyelids were also twitching.

And... the emperor's tone was wrong.

Ever since he lost that jade pendant yesterday, he felt that something was about to happen...

"The minister... is in the princess' mansion." Conansheng replied with a lack of confidence.

He went out with some lonely friends that day, not at the princess' mansion, nor at General Ke's mansion, and the dignitaries didn't like being with these people, so he couldn't tell, he could only lie.

As everyone knows, as soon as he said this, the emperor was completely disappointed in him and completely believed Ye Rumu's words.

"Slap!" The emperor directly grabbed a memorial on the table, and slapped Conansheng directly on the face.

The corner of the memorial was very hard and sharp, and when it hit Conansheng's forehead, a gash was cut in an instant.

Conansheng knelt down immediately, could it be that the emperor already knew that he often hang out with old friends and dog friends?
Otherwise, why would the emperor be so angry?Speaking of thieves, he got angry at him.Could it be that those thieves are those who are not popular?

Conansheng couldn't figure out what was going on and what went wrong.

He looked at Bailiyu cautiously, "Huang..." Just as he opened his mouth, another memorial was thrown at him.

Conansheng didn't dare to hide, so he could only bear it with his eyes closed.

The ministers were shocked.

They can see how much the emperor loves this nephew, and they haven't heard that Conansheng has done anything wrong. On the contrary, there are often news of his victories.Why was the emperor angry and beat him?
The ministers couldn't figure it out, and none of them dared to speak.

For fear of harming the innocent.

Only Con Nansheng's father, Ke Qianye saw that the momentum was not right, so he hurried out and knelt in front of him, and asked in a disturbed tone: "Your Majesty! I don't know what wrong Nansheng did? It made you so angry."

"Hehe." Baili Yao sneered twice, "What did you do wrong? Ask him yourself!"

What the emperor thinks of the members of the Ke family is not pleasing to his eyes!
Ke Qianye's face was very ugly, "Nie Zi! What did you do? Why don't you tell me soon?"

Little did he know that Conansheng was very wronged.

What can he do?He didn't make any big mistakes, did he?In the past few years, he has been very low-key, talking about his strength and victories.

How did he know what he did wrong?
"Father... I don't know..." Conan Sheng was only 20 years old, young and energetic, but he was still timid when encountering problems.

There is already a crying voice in the words.

"The emperor said he did something wrong! How could you not know! Tell me now!" Ke Qianye was worried, wondering what big mistake Conansheng had made behind their backs, seeing if the emperor was so angry, would it endanger his life... …

(End of this chapter)

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