Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1101 Opening of the Secret Realm 13

Chapter 1101 Opening of the Secret Realm 13
While the two were talking, there was a knock on the door.

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao looked at each other, and were thinking whether to open the door, when someone outside said, "Rumu, Baili, it's me."

Hearing that it was Mu Daoyu's voice, the two were relieved.

Because I offended the Shangguan family before, the Shangguan family will definitely not let it go, and even bring people back to find them, so it is necessary to be more vigilant!

Baili Yao stood up, walked to the door and opened it, and Mu Daoyu and Mu Yan walked in.

"The others are going to rest, I have something to tell you." Mu Daoyu straight to the point stated his purpose.

Mu Yan also nodded, she originally wanted to go to see the master, but unexpectedly, the master asked her to come with her.

"Dean, come in quickly." Ye Rumu also stood up to greet Mu Daoyu.

Mu Daoyu nodded and walked in quickly.

Muyan closed the door carefully behind, and before closing it, she carefully looked outside, and after seeing that no one was there, she closed the door.

"Does the dean want to talk about today's affairs?" Baili Yao raised his eyebrows and asked lightly.

Except for today's matter, other things have been considered before departure, so Baili Yao feels that Mu Daoyu's purpose this time is related to today's matter.

Mu Daoyu nodded and said, "That's right... that's right, it's because of Shangguan Gu'er's incident during the day."

"Before when I was outside, there were many people, so I didn't go into details. Now, while there is no one, I can talk about the Shangguan family." Mu Daoyu actually knew a little about the Shangguan family, so he didn't say anything like that. Take it easy.

"Dean, tell me, let's listen." Ye Rumu frowned after hearing this. It seems that this matter is serious?

"This Shangguan Gu'er is the only daughter of the owner of the Shangguan family. It can be said that the owner of the Shangguan family has devoted a lot of love to her! The owner of the Shangguan family has always given whatever Shangguan Gu'er wants. Today we treat Shangguan Gu'er like this. I'm afraid that Shangguan Gu'er will not be reconciled. After I go back, I will file a complaint with the owner of the Shangguan family. The owner of the Shangguan family is a domineering master who will never stop other people's explanations. Judging from the current situation of our Twilight Academy, I'm afraid we can't deal with it The Shangguan family... However, for the time being, it doesn't matter, because the secret realm of Senior Dongfang Lingyue will be opened soon, and the Shangguan family should have no time to pay attention to us, so we can be said to be safe in Yongning Town for the time being, but... in the future ..." Mu Daoyu sighed and shook his head, according to the protective nature of the Patriarch Shangguan, he probably led people to destroy the Twilight Academy!

It's not that this kind of thing didn't happen before, it was obviously Shangguan Gu'er's fault, but none of the people who provoked Shangguan Gu'er escaped, even with their family members!

One can imagine how ruthless this is!

Ye Rumu frowned, "If Shangguan's family really troubles us, will the people from the college management committee sit idly by?"

Mu Daoyu shook his head and said uncertainly: "I don't know. After all, the college management committee has been ignoring the board. The last incident has already troubled President Shang Zhen once. After all, our Twilight College is not as good as before. How about it, I still don't could Chairman Shang Zhen waste his time with us?"

"Master, you mean that the people in the Academy Management Committee will not be as good as before because of our Twilight Academy,
(End of this chapter)

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