Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1106 Opening of the Secret Realm 18

Chapter 1106 Opening of the Secret Realm 18
It's not a real promotion, you have to accept the washing of the sky thunder... Otherwise, there is no way to be a real promotion!
Ye Rumu frowned, he didn't expect there to be such a layer inside!
Because he has never been in contact with such things as Tianlei, Ye Rumu can be said to be completely unfamiliar with Tianlei Dujie!
"I have seen the former dean promoted before, but... I have never seen such a big thunder!" Mu Daoyu looked at Lingzhi sitting silently in the middle of the open space, and was also worried about Lingzhi in his heart!
But I also know that this Tianlei was imposed because of jealousy of Ganoderma lucidum's talent!

While everyone was watching so anxiously, a thunder that had been condensed in the sky for a long time finally struck down!

The moment the thunder fell, the surroundings were shone with silver light, and everyone couldn't help but look away!
After getting used to the brightness, I carefully went back to look at the ganoderma, and found that the silver light around the ganoderma hadn't dissipated, so I couldn't see the ganoderma clearly at all!
"Ganoderma lucidum!" Ye Rumu couldn't help shouting the name of Ganoderma lucidum!
After waiting for a long time, the silver light finally dissipated, leaving nothing behind except for some burnt Ganoderma lucidum!
Ganoderma lucidum smiled at Ye Rumu, saying that she was fine, and continued to meditate, waiting for the second thunder!
Because after the successful promotion just now, the strength of the whole body seems to have returned, so Lingzhi was able to take the first one so easily.

But this is not the first time he has been promoted, so Lingzhi knows that the next one will be better than the first one!
After the first course was over, people who came from all directions arrived at the place.

Everyone was stunned when they saw a six or seven-year-old girl sitting in the middle of the open space!
The people who came looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding what was going on?

A seven or eight-year-old girl accepting the thunder of the Holy Spirit realm?Is this a joke or is it a joke?
Or, in fact, it wasn't the little girl who was promoted, but someone used the little girl as a shield?

What about that person?
Everyone looked at Ye Rumu, Mu Daoyu and others who were standing here from the beginning.

Judging by Mu Daoyu's age, he was more like a person in the realm of the Holy Spirit, so he had to check it out, and found out that this old man is actually the ultimate spiritual power!
I looked at the people around me, but no one was suitable, but a little girl sitting in the middle of the open space, her whole body turned into tatters.

Ganoderma lucidum's spine is straight, it can't be seen that it is someone who has received Tianlei?

However, the thunder in the sky is still condensing, which means that the person sitting there is indeed someone who wants to accept the thunder!
Otherwise, if the person dies, the thunder will automatically disperse that day!
"How is this going?"

"How do I know, I came with you!"

"A six or seven-year-old girl sitting under Tianlei's hole, isn't she looking for death? But the key is, who is the one promoted?"

There are also some older people who look at Lingzhi sitting below with a solemn expression.

Finally, he said: "Don't make random guesses, she is going through the catastrophe."

"What? Dean Beiming, what you said is true? A little girl crossing the catastrophe? But this is unheard of!" After hearing this, someone glanced at the old man beside him and found that it was the dean of Beiming College. Speaking of my doubts, Dean Beiming is also of a certain age, so he must be able to know more!

(End of this chapter)

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