Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1113 Opening of the Secret Realm 25

Chapter 1113 Opening of the Secret Realm 25
Ximenlin didn't know when he stood behind Shang Zhen and Cang Ming, and said in a respectful tone.

"Oh? But, we didn't see anyone else." Cang Ming squinted his eyes, and looked back at Ximen Lin. Is this young man a real face, and also a judge?

However, he has just left customs not long ago, so it is not surprising to see the young people who are now strangers.

"Perhaps I saw that the two seniors haven't sat up and are still afraid to come out." Facing Cang Ming's questioning, Ximen Lin didn't show any expression of fear or panic, but smiled faintly.

"Oh? Then it's ours?" Cangming sneered.

"Senior is worrying too much. This junior doesn't mean it. Senior, please..." Ximen Lin's face was always calm, and there was no other expression.

"Hmph!" Cangming snorted coldly, walked towards his seat without saying anything.

Shang Zhen shook his head helplessly, looked at Ximen Lin and said, "This old man just talks too much, don't you take it to heart?"

As Shang Zhen said, he looked at Ximen Lin and nodded, and then left cheerfully.

After the two of them sat up, Ximen Lin also walked to his seat.

Ye Rumu narrowed his eyes, Ximen Lin?judges?

"This man... the man who helped us in the inn that day, is he actually one of the judges?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows. If he was a judge, he wouldn't be the little inn owner!
Baili Yao also noticed it, and I believe everyone else has noticed it too. Many people have seen Ximen Lin, but no one thinks about him in the direction of the judges!I thought he was just an ordinary innkeeper!

But now that he appeared in that row, no one would think him simple anymore!
Especially Shangguan Gu'er, Shangguan Gu'er pointed at Ximen Lin above, and acted like a spoiled child to his brother Shangguan Mu, "Brother, look, that man helped those sluts steal my room that day!"

Shangguan Mu looked in Ximen Lin's direction and frowned, "The surname is Ximen..."

"What's wrong with the surname Ximen?" Shangguan Gu'er said casually, all she cared about was whether Shangguan Mu could help her teach this man and Ye Rumu's group a lesson!
"Gu'er... If I'm not mistaken... this Ximen Lin must have a very serious identity! Besides, it's not something we can afford! Brother also knows that you have been wronged in this matter, but... just looking at it now Come on, I can only bear with it for now!" Shangguan Mu comforted.

Although Shangguan Gu'er is unruly and willful, but being in a big family, he is not so brainless that he doesn't understand anything. Hearing the fear in Shangguan Mu's tone, Shangguan Gu'er gave Ximen Lin a hard look, and decided to let Ximen Lin go first !

"Okay, Ximen Lin can't be messed with. We don't need to give in to those people from the Twilight Academy, right?" Shangguan Gu'er actually sent someone to investigate their identities that day, knowing that it was the fallen Twilight After the people from the academy, Shangguan Gu'er uttered harsh words, absolutely not to make them feel better!

"Little princess, except for that Ximen Lin who may not be offended, my brother will definitely clean up for you! However, we have to wait until the end of this competition. Of course, during the competition, we can let them eat first." Bitter!" Shangguan Mu smiled indifferently, isn't it just a few mobs with no skills?At that time, as long as you make a shot casually,

(End of this chapter)

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