Chapter 1117 The Secret Realm Opens 29
Seeing people approaching, Ye Rumu stared at her and remained motionless. When everyone was about to run in front of her, Ye Rumu said, "Go!"

After Ye Rumu's words, except for Baili Yao and Qing Jue, everyone else followed Ye Rumu!

Because there were still too many people, many people became obstacles to everyone's progress. Fortunately, Ye Rumu had the foresight to tie everyone together first!So it won't break up for a while!

As Ye Rumu walked, he cleared the obstacles in front of him, and the people behind him also followed Ye Rumu to clear the obstacles beside him!
Although they are tied together, everyone can move freely, and they can use their skills at ease right now!
After some people saw that the people from Twilight Academy were not as easy to deal with as they imagined, they thought about it and decided to change their opponents!

Ye Rumu squinted his eyes, now except for the Shangguan family who are chasing after them, the others have basically given up on them!

Because they had already reached the center of the stage, surrounded by countless people, they couldn't push it down at all!
And the people from Shangguan's family can only look at all this angrily!

"Damn it, the people at Twilight Academy are really cunning! They knew from the very beginning that they were overwhelmed and ran to the middle. They had clearly ordered them to roll their names at the end so that they would not have a chance to go to the middle. Who knew, It will become like this!" Shangguan Gu'er said angrily, her dislike for everyone in the Twilight Academy could not be expressed in words.

If it weren't for them, how could she lose face in full view?

who is she?She is the eldest daughter of the Shangguan family, and she has never suffered any grievances since she was a child!However, he suffered such a big grievance at the Twilight Academy!
Especially that woman named Ye Rumu, how dare she look so good-looking!Just be damned!

As the person who cares most about appearance, Shangguan Gu'er cares most about his own face!

"It's okay, Gu'er, they can hide for a while, but they can't hide for a lifetime! Just wait, when the competition arena is empty, they will have no place to hide!" Shangguan Mu said indifferently.

He didn't care so much because he felt that it was impossible for these people to hide from him, Shangguan Mu!

"Okay, brother, we'll make them look good later!" Shangguan Gu'er had a smug smile on his face, now, let's see how you hide!
Then, there were fewer and fewer people on the competition stage, and many people standing on the edge were pushed down in unison!
Those with high spiritual power can resist it with spiritual power, but those with weak spiritual power and who are not prepared are not so lucky!

There are fewer and fewer people on the competition stage, but there is still a third of Xiang!

That one-third of the time, whether it is long or not, but at this time, no one dares to say short!Just want to end it quickly!
"Brother, the people from the Twilight Academy have been huddling together. We have absolutely no choice! What should we do?" Shangguan Gu'er turned anxiously to look at his brother, and asked in an anxious voice.

Shangguan Mu looked deeply at the conjoined twins at the academy, his eyes were filled with deep thought, "They must have tied themselves up with something, wait a minute, I'll try it out!"

If Shangguan Mu could find out, then other people would also be able to discover this, and everyone began to exert force on the rope between Ye Rumu and them!

(End of this chapter)

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