Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1123 Opening of the Secret Realm 35

Chapter 1123 Opening of the Secret Realm 35
How could it be possible to have a crush on Ling Ling?You know, Ling Ling is not as good-looking as us! "

"It's just... But, I seem to see that the woman over there is very close to the good-looking young man above, the relationship must not be simple!"

After being reminded by someone, everyone also saw Ye Rumu!
Ye Rumu has already competed on stage before, so everyone is familiar with it!

"It turned out to be the one named Ye...Ye Rumu! He looks really good..."

"The key is to dump Lingling by ten blocks. Unless that young master is stupid, how can he have a crush on Lingling?"

It is said that there are three women in one drama, but now I don't know how many women and how many dramas there are!

In short, it means that all the disciples of the Lingyuan Sect can't hold back their faces!

Ling Ling didn't come for no reason, but Ling Xu and Ling Xuan came!

At this time, the two stared at the disciple who was still standing on the stage, and blamed him for talking too much!

At first, no one knew about Lingling's posting of Bailiyao, but now it's all good!Everyone knows it!

Is this guy a pig brain?
"I'll kill you! Vent your anger for Senior Sister!"

Listening to the remarks around him, the disciple's eyes gradually turned red, and he rushed forward without even thinking about it!

Baili Yao waited calmly for the man to arrive in front of him, a bloodthirsty smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his lips, and the spiritual power had been concentrated in the palm of his hand!

Soon, the two started fighting!
Baili Yao is not in a hurry, every movement is pleasing to the eye!
Of course, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that every movement of Baili Yao can avoid the opponent's attack!

The disciples of the Lingyuan sect and Baili Yao made a few tricks, and after seeing that he didn't even touch the corner of his clothes, he was also angry!

Loudly said: "What kind of skill is dodging!"

However, as soon as this sentence fell, the whole person was thrown off the stage!

It's just that Baili Yao didn't hurry down, but looked around, and said lightly: "I have a wife and a six-year-old son. I love them very much. In this life, there are only them. Maybe, There will be little lives to join in the future.”

As soon as Baili Yao's words came out, the women present couldn't help but envy the woman Bai Liyao was talking about!

To be spotted by such a good-looking and outstanding man must be excellent, right?
Ye Rumu pursed her lips, a little surprised, according to Baili Yao's personality, Baili Yao had always disdained to explain these things, but now... for her, I spoke up!

Ye Rumu's twilight watched the man walking towards her shiningly. The man walked up to her and stretched out his hand towards her.

Ye Rumu put his hands in the man's hands very reassuringly, and smiled contentedly.

Afterwards, it was smooth, and nothing major happened.Of course, it's just that they didn't have a situation, and it's not necessarily the case for others!But what does it have to do with them?
Tired for a whole day, Ye Rumu fell asleep after returning to the inn at night!

Baili Yao felt distressed, but Ye Rumu couldn't let Ye Rumu just fall asleep!
So, he asked someone to boil the bath water and carried her in personally.

Ye Rumu always felt dazed, but out of trust in Baili Yao, he never opened his eyes or woke up.

After scrubbing her, Baili Yao quickly washed her with the water she used, then hugged her and fell asleep!
Ye Rumu woke up the next day,

(End of this chapter)

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