Chapter 1147 Secret Realm Experience 7
"I don't know. I've never seen it before. Sure enough, there are many strange and dangerous things in the secret realm!" The elder recalled the rumors outside that there are many people-eating things!

"Hmph! With so many of us, are we still afraid of this monster? Elder, come and try!" Shangguan Gu'er exclaimed angrily. How could such a ghost scare them like this?
"Okay, miss, let me try." The elder nodded, took two steps forward, and smashed the spiritual power at the red plant frantically!

The holes on the ground are getting bigger and bigger, thick smoke and dust are rising gradually, more and more, covering everyone's sight!

Seeing that it was almost done, the elder stopped panting, and returned to Shangguan Gu'er.

Shangguan Gu'er looked proudly at the place where the red plants were before, and said with a sneer, "Hmph! Now let's see how rampant you are!"

The dust dissipated, revealing the deep hole that the elder just smashed. However, the figure of the red plant became clearer, but most importantly, it was unscathed!


Everyone exclaimed, looking in disbelief at the red plants that hadn't changed at all in the deep pit.

There was originally only one red plant, but at some point, it turned into three!
One will kill a person, if three come out, can you still escape?

"Miss, our spiritual power has nothing to do with this thing. Miss, let's withdraw immediately!" Shangguanqing said hastily.

The elder also nodded, "You guys, escort the lady away!"

"Yes! Elder!"

The disciples of the Shangguan family wanted to leave a long time ago, but now that the elder has spoken, they immediately retreat without hesitation!

Although Shangguan Gu'er was not reconciled, he couldn't say anything now.

Even the elders can't kill this damn thing, what else can she do!
But the most terrible thing is that the thing seemed to see that they were going to withdraw, immediately got into the soil, and rushed towards the crowd of Shangguan's family!


Hearing a scream, a child was sucked dry by the red plant!

Afterwards, screams came out one after another!

Shangguanqing escorted Shangguan Gu'er and ran back quickly. The elder Shangguan saw that he stayed and had no effect after breaking up. He couldn't care about anything at the moment, and ran directly to protect Shangguan Gu'er!
After the elder left, the children who stayed behind would suffer!
Soon, only Shangguan Gu'er, Shangguan Qing, Shangguan Elder, and three children were left in the Shangguan family!

"Miss! Run!" The elder chased up from behind, smashing the ground with spiritual power, and shouted at Shangguan Gu'er.

Unfortunately, that is useless!
The target of the red plant has locked on the rest of the people, and when everyone thought they could not escape this catastrophe, Ling Feiyu appeared!

Ling Feiyu frowned, seeing that it was a vampire vine, a ball of fire immediately appeared in his hand, and smashed at the vampire vine!
The vampire vine touched the fire, as if it had encountered something terrible, it immediately shrank back!

I wanted to go forward, but after being hit by flames one after another, I quickly hid in the ground and ran away!

Elder Shangguan hurriedly saluted, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Senior Ling, for saving your life!"

"This blood-sucking vine, don't provoke it!" Ling Feiyu flew high in the air, glaring at the people below.

In the past, he was the only one who walked this road, and everyone who came in knew that they couldn't go this way. These people knowingly commit crimes, it is really annoying!

(End of this chapter)

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