Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1164 Secret Realm Experience 24

Chapter 1164 Secret Realm Experience 24
If they changed to other weapons, they might not be used to it, so Ye Rumu told them to find the sword.

Qing Jue shook his head lightly, he came in with Ye Rumu and Baili Yao, not for any treasure.

Qingxue touched the soft sword beside her, smiled and said: "Master, my weapon was given by the Lord. It has accompanied me through life and death for so many years. I don't want to give it up."

"Alright." Ye Rumu pursed his lips and didn't say anything, but the soft sword brought by this mortal world could no longer keep up.

As if knowing Ye Rumu's thoughts, suddenly, a delicate and small soft sword flew in front of Qingxue, and stopped just like that.

Qingxue frowned, this soft sword looks no different from other soft swords, if it is different, it is that there is a delicately woven sword tassel hanging on the hilt!

"Qingxue, take it." Ye Rumu curled his lips, Qingxue didn't go up to look for it, but this soft sword came out to look for Qingxue by itself!
Qingxue looked at the soft sword, and knew that there were some spiritual weapons in the world of cultivating immortals that required a contract to be signed. She didn't know how to sign it at first, but looking at the soft sword, she seemed to be guided by the soft sword. Qingxue bit her middle finger and pointed at it. Stretching out his hand, blood fell on the soft sword, and the soft sword was washed, revealing its appearance before it was dusty for many years.

Like a new life, the soft sword has become completely new.

Two words appeared on the blade of the soft sword, "Mu Qi"

"Mu Qi sword?" Qingxue caressed the soft sword lightly. After the contract, she seemed to feel that she and Mu Qi were connected.

Everyone found all the weapons they could find and were willing to follow them. After all, the cave had been sealed for a long time, and it was not so comfortable to stay in it, so those who found the weapons went out quickly.

As for Shangguan Gu'er, after the lesson just now, she didn't dare to touch the weapons here casually, but she found that no matter where she went, none of the weapons responded!
She was trained by her family since she was a child, and she can use basically any weapon, so she didn't choose any weapon at first, and she was willing to accept any weapon, but in the end...

No weapon would take her in!
This is awkward!
Muyan Ruyi got a red long whip, the long whip is very spiritual, Muyan likes it very much, so at this time...he is more qualified to laugh at Shangguan Gu'er!
"Let me just say, no weapon can fall in love with you, you still don't believe it! Now you finally believe it?" Muyan smiled mischievously, hahaha, the matter of Shangguan Gu'er can be treated as a matter after going out. It's the joke of a lifetime!

"Don't be complacent!" Shangguan Guer stomped his feet anxiously, but when he heard Muyan's taunts, his complexion suddenly turned pale!

"Hmph, you are not the only one who likes you? The best ones are always at the end, just wait and see." Shangguan Gu'er was unwilling to admit defeat, even if he was already in a hurry, he still kept talking. Don't want to lose even a little bit!

"Broken whip? Hong Hong, she said you are a broken whip!" Muyan touched the red whip in her hand, shook her head and said tut-tut.

The whip moved, and in the end it still lay obediently and quietly in Muyan's hands.

"Honghong said, even if it is a broken whip, it is better than you. Honghong also said that there will be no weapons to go with you, so you should give up on it." The new whip delivers the word.

Shangguan Gu'er's face was ugly, and he said angrily: "You said you would go with Miss Ben if you didn't have weapons, did you not? Do the weapons here still obey your orders?"

(End of this chapter)

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