Chapter 1166 One Paw 2
After finally confirming that Shangguan Gu'er would not take it away with him, Iron Claw seemed to return to its original position with regret and did not move.

Every time it cautiously showed favor to people whose weapons were not selected, but no one was willing to take it away.

I had already given up, but seeing that girl being ridiculed by others and willing to follow her without a weapon, I decided to follow her, but in the end... I still didn't want to take her away...

After taking the initiative for a long time and rejecting more, Iron Claw felt that it should give up.

Just when it was depressed and ready to continue to sleep, it suddenly felt that someone was stroking it.

"Shangguan Gu'er doesn't want you, I want you, come with me?"

Iron Claw was overwhelmed with surprise, and immediately flew up. It saw clearly that this was the girl who took away the Liyuan Sword Spirit...

Originally, she thought that someone who could subdue a strange person like the Liyuan Sword Spirit would not think highly of it, but now, she offered to let herself go with her!

Without any hesitation, Iron Claw immediately flew around Ye Rumu's side with joy.

Ye Rumu blinked. Although the iron claw was a bit weird, she felt an inexplicable sadness just now, which made her feel a little breathless, so she offered to take it away.

"Let's go." Ye Rumu touched it again.

The iron claw flew to Ye Rumu's shoulder and stopped on it. Ye Rumu looked at the iron claw and wondered why Senior Lingyue left a weapon like the iron claw here. Obviously, no one would take it with you.

Walking out of the cave, only Baili Yao was waiting outside.

Seeing Ye Rumu come out, Baili Yao smiled, stepped forward and reached out to Ye Rumu.

Ye Rumu put his hand on Baili Yao's and smiled at him.

"Why did you come back suddenly?" Baili Yao asked.

Not long after Ye Rumu left, for some reason, he suddenly asked to come back to have a look, but Baili Yao didn't ask, and let everyone go first, and came back with Ye Rumu.

When Ye Rumu came out, Baili Yao saw an iron claw on Ye Rumu's shoulder.

"I'll take it away."

"Why?" Baili Yao was very curious, why did Ye Rumu come back suddenly just to take away the iron claw.

"I don't know, anyway, I have a strong feeling in my heart to make me come back, so I came back, and then I saw it... I couldn't help but want to take it away." Ye Rumu knew that it wanted to follow Shangguan Gu'er before. , but Shangguan Gu'er disliked it and was unwilling to take it with him. Even if Ye Rumu didn't see it, he knew it.

Because I saw Iron Claw showing affection to Shangguan Gu'er before, but it was still in the cave, so Shangguan Gu'er disliked it.

How could Shangguan Gu'er, such an arrogant person, choose Iron Claw?
"Well, as long as you like it." Baili Yao looked fondly.

Ye Rumu smiled, "Let's go quickly, the dean and the others are still waiting for us."

"En." Baili Yao nodded, and left with Ye Rumu.

Not long after they left, they heard the sound of arguing in front of them.

"Is it because you, a bitch, are standing in the way, that's why you have no weapons and are willing to follow Miss Ben!"

Shangguan Gu'er yelled loudly, and then came Muyan's sarcastic voice, "Hmph, obviously those weapons know that you are not a good person, so they don't want to follow you."

"If your broken whip hadn't said something to the weapon there,
(End of this chapter)

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