Chapter 1169 The Weird Aroma 1
"Did you hear that the companion beast of the Dragon's Blood Grass is a fairy beast, and if you go alone, it is tantamount to dying in vain, not to mention, you are from my Twilight Academy, how can I leave you alone!" Mu Daoyu I also don't agree with Yuanfa's idea of ​​looking for Dragon's Blood Grass alone.

"But... the dean, and everyone, I agreed to this matter without authorization. It has nothing to do with you. I don't want to involve everyone in vain..." Yuan Fa shook his head. If the Companion Beast gets hurt, he will be very sorry!

"Okay, don't let it go, you are the pillar of our Twilight Academy, you can't die! If you die, our Twilight Academy will go back to the old days of eating wild vegetables every day, right?" Ye Ru Mu smiled, and asked a bit mischievously.

"Sister Rumu, you're being naughty again..." Yuanfa couldn't help laughing, and his heart that felt heavy at first suddenly felt a lot lighter.

"Now, there is nothing that will affect our thoughts, right? Even if you don't let us look for it together, we will look for it together." Ye Rumu pursed her lips. The affairs of the people in the Twilight Academy are everyone's affairs , who can help, will definitely help!
This is also true, among all the academies, only the Twilight Academy has such loyalty.

Yuanfa was very moved. In fact, if he was really asked to find it alone, he would be really afraid that he would not find it or be afraid, but even if he was afraid, he didn't want to hurt others.

"Okay, you are a member of the Twilight Academy, your business is everyone's business, don't worry, we will accompany you to find it, but whether you can find it or not is up to fate." Dao Yu said, looking up at the cloudless sky.

This is a secret place, and all day and night are false. It is day here, and it may still be night outside. On the contrary, it is night here, and it is very likely to be day outside.

"Okay, since that's the case, then I won't say anything! If I say more, it will be too much! It happens that the newly acquired dagger has not been used yet, so I don't know if it is suitable for you!" Yuan Fa shook it. The dagger obtained in the cave.

Hearing Yuanfa talk about the dagger, Li Mei glanced at the dagger stuck in Yuanfa's belt, and said calmly: "You will like it."

"Really?" Yuan Fa was thoughtful, and Li Mei said that he would like it. Is there something special about it?
"Senior Li Mei, is there something special about it?" Yuan Fa looked at Li Mei expectantly.

Li Mei shook her head, "I don't know, if you want to know, go find it yourself."

Yuan Fa looked at the dagger at his waist again, nodded and stopped talking.

"Li Mei, Li Yuan, among us, you are probably the only ones who are most familiar with the dragon's blood grass. Do you know where the dragon's blood grass likes to stay?" Ye Rumu looked at the two sword spirits and asked.

"Rosedie, you should be more familiar with Li Yuan than I am with Dragon Blood Grass." Li Mei glanced at Li Yuan and said.

"You called me... what?"

Ye Rumu seemed to be stunned when he heard the name Rosemary!

Li Yuan was also stunned for a moment, "Li Mei, didn't we make an agreement and let the master think about it later?"

Li Mei was also tangled, "But, that's the name I'm used to."

"Then... what was my name in my previous life?" Baili Yao knew Ye Rumu's name in his previous life, and suddenly became curious about his own name.

(End of this chapter)

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