Chapter 1176 Companion 4
We cannot trust them! "Dracaena firmly shook his head.

"When I brought you to the world of cultivating immortals, you must really want to go back?" Ye Rumu asked suddenly.

The dragon blood beast didn't speak, but he really wanted to go back!It's just that after staying in the secret realm for thousands of years, the outside world has long forgotten about it!
"What if I can bring you back to the fairy world? But the price is that you give us a drop of dragon's blood grass blood." In fact, it doesn't have to be a leaf, a drop of blood is enough!

It has to be said that the Dragon Blood Beast is already hesitating. When he had not yet turned into a human form, he only had the thought of protecting the Dragon Blood Grass desperately, and he had never thought about anything else. With an IQ, he will be able to think about problems, if a drop of blood can bring peace...but...he still can't pass his own test!
"Wait! Why is your spiritual power so low? So low that I can't even feel that you have spiritual power?" The dragon blood beast finally found out the problem, and looked at Ye Rumu strangely.

"I'm not the Rosemary I used to be." Ye Rumu could only say that, because she had no memory of what happened in Rosemary's life.

"It's not that I don't have the ability to fight with you. You have no spiritual power, and Li Yuan can't exert her power. If there is only this fairy beast, I will not necessarily lose!" The dragon blood beast suddenly stopped struggling, He decided to give it a try!'s hard to cultivate a human form. If it is broken up, it will take tens of thousands of years to condense...

The consequence of having one's own thoughts and IQ is... becoming hesitant and afraid of death...

"Brother, don't..." Dragon Blood Grass also knew that if her companion beast was killed, it would not be by her side for tens of thousands of years!

"Hasty, just try." The dragon blood beast's eyeballs rolled, and now he knows how to adapt, and he won't seek death if he can't beat it!

"Hao Cao, listen to what my brother said, you should hide underground first and run away first, if brother can't beat you, then hide and run underground." Anyway, they are companions, no matter where they are, they can sense it.

"Okay... brother... just listen to you hastily." Dragon Blood Grass nodded seriously.

"Haha, hide underground when you're ready." The Dragon Blood Beast roared angrily, and immediately flew towards Lingzhi.

Ganoderma lucidum pouted contemptuously. When she turned into a human form, the dragon blood beast didn't know where it was!
He didn't have any fear at the moment, he changed back to the appearance of a fairy beast, and rushed forward!

The dragon's blood grass suddenly turned gray and burrowed into the ground!

The Dragon Blood Beast noticed that the Dragon Blood Grass had escaped, and immediately started fighting with Ganoderma lucidum.

"Master, the dragon blood grass has escaped." Li Yuan frowned.

Ye Rumu nodded, "I saw it, it's okay, the dragon blood beast is still here, she can't run far."

"Master, how do you know?" Li Yuan looked at Ye Rumu strangely, she didn't tell the master that the two things born with her can't be too far apart, right?

After Ye Rumu asked Li Yuan, she also frowned in doubt, yes, how did she know?
"I don't know, as if I've always known." Ye Rumu explained.

"En." Li Yuan nodded, he knew it before, but now he just lost his memory, maybe he knew many things subconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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