Chapter 1181 Aroma Source 1
Ganoderma lucidum had been in Ye Rumu's dantian before, and she didn't pay attention when she came out to fight with the dragon blood beast just now. The loss made her feel very depressed, and she was about to go back to her dantian. Now that she heard what Qingjue said, I was stunned for a moment, "This scent seems a little familiar."

"Ganoderma lucidum, do you know?" Ye Rumu's eyes lit up, looking at Lingzhi and asked.

Ganoderma lucidum knows more than everyone here, maybe it will!

"Hmm... I seem to have smelled it somewhere, but... it's been too long, I can't remember." Lingzhi shook his head, the memory is too long.

For thousands of years, she lived in the Valley of Hundred Flowers in a daze, and almost forgot everything that happened so long ago.

However, she has never forgotten that the master wanted to find her younger sister Rosemary, so now that Ye Rumu is likely to be Rosemary, Ganoderma lucidum is completely loyal to Ye Rumu!
"Even you don't know?" Ye Rumu frowned, if he didn't even know Ganoderma lucidum, who else would know?
Ye Rumu thought of Beast and Caocao who had been staying here.

"What is this fragrance, maybe Beast and Caocao will know." Ye Rumu said to everyone.

Li Yuan blinked, "Is there really a fragrance here?"

"Yeah." Ye Rumu nodded, "And it's getting stronger and stronger. Although you are already sword spirits, you are cold weapons after all." Ye Rumu shook his head. Able to distinguish smells.

Before meeting Ye Rumu and Baili Yao, Li Yuan and Li Mei were able to defeat all opponents with their own force!So... distinguishing the smell is useless for Li Yuan and Li Mei.

"Then just call them out." Baili Yao also agreed to call out Beast and Hasty.

Ye Rumu hesitated for a moment, then looked at Mu Daoyu first, "Dean, you are the person with the most seniority among us, don't you know what kind of fragrance this is?"

Originally, if it was just a scent, it would be fine, but for some reason, Ye Rumu always felt something was wrong!

Mu Daoyu shook his head and said, "I've never smelled such a smell, it doesn't smell like flowers,'s indeed much worse than when I first came in."

He also felt that there was a problem. If it was normal, the fragrance would only become weaker and weaker, not stronger!
"Well, since you don't know the dean, let's ask Beast." Thinking that Cao Cao seems to be very afraid of seeing strangers, Ye Rumu tried not to disturb Cao Cao as much as possible.

Ye Rumu brought the beast out, and the beast blinked, and the beast turned into a human shape, which seemed to be a head shorter than Ganoderma lucidum.

Ganoderma lucidum didn't pay attention just now, but now that the beast is so short, she actually beat her!Feeling ashamed, Ganoderma lucidum rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "Beast, so you are so short!"

Ganoderma lucidum's words immediately caused Beast to roll his eyes, "Hmph! Although I am a little short now, I will be taller than you in the future! Anyway, you can't beat me now."

In the last sentence, Beast whispered.

The beast that has become a little Zhengtai has no attack power at all, and there are some baby fat faces that make people want to pinch them!
Ganoderma lucidum's expression changed, this was a shame to her!

"You little brat! Don't be complacent!" Ganoderma pointed at the beast angrily, this brat!Do you know how to respect seniors?

(End of this chapter)

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