Chapter 1183 Aroma Source 3
So you can rest assured when you go back.

"Master! Are you just leaving Sister Rumu and the others like this?" Muyan frowned and wanted to leave, but she didn't want to leave anyone behind.

"Yan'er, they still have some things to do, let's not stay here and disturb them." Mu Daoyu looked at Ye Rumu and Baili Yao. Many points in this secret realm are about Ye Rumu and Baili Yao. I feel that there is something strange about this fragrance, and maybe they have their reasons.

"Master!" Muyan frowned, and wanted to say something, but Mu Daoyu stopped him: "Okay, Yan'er, let's leave first."

Mu Daoyu shook his head towards Muyan.

Muyan opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but Mu Daoyu's will was determined, and Ye Rumu and the others seemed to have to stay.

"I'll go with you." Qing Jue said suddenly.

Ye Rumu looked at Qing Jue, squinted his eyes, nodded and said: "Okay, then you go with us, the others go back first."

"Master!" Qingxue looked at Ye Rumu worriedly, "Master, let me go with you!"

"Qingxue, go out with everyone, you have to protect everyone." Qingxue's spiritual power is already very high, and she should be able to protect everyone at critical moments. Besides, Qingxue has been by her side for many years, Ye Rumu You can also rest assured.

"Yes, my lord!" Qingxue nodded and agreed.

Mu Daoyu was in charge of taking everyone away. As the dean, he would, of course, protect the safety of others.

Seeing Mu Daoyu lead the crowd away, Ye Rumu turned to Qing Jue and asked, "Why did you suddenly decide to stay?"

"I don't know." Qing Jue shook his head, in fact, he wanted to go back first, but for some reason, he suddenly decided to stay!
Perhaps it was because she was worried about Ye Rumu, and worried that she would encounter some danger.

"Alright, let's go and have a look together." Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, but he couldn't tell where the fragrance came from!
Qing Jue suddenly walked to the right.

"Qing Jue!" Seeing that Qing Jue was going to the right, Ye Rumu quickly called Qing Jue to stop, frowning, why did Qing Jue go that way?
"Scent." Qing Jue only said two words, looked back at Ye Rumu, and continued walking.

"Xiang? Yao! Let's go!" Ye Rumu's heart moved, and he immediately followed.

Baili Yao frowned and followed.

Seeing that everyone was gone, Beast stretched out his fat little hands, "Hey! Wait for me!"

Unfortunately, no one cares about him anymore.

The beast wailed, "Oh my god, the earth! You actually ran away after using me! Ahhh! Wait for me!"

Ye Rumu followed behind Qing Jue, Qing Jue seemed to be walking in a hurry, walking faster and faster, making Ye Rumu's brows more and more wrinkled, what is Qing Jue going to do?

However, the further you go, the stronger the aroma becomes!
"No, the scent wasn't so strong before, it was just faint. Why did the scent get stronger and stronger after you appeared? Did you do something?" Beast asked with a frown, he didn't pay attention just now, but now he No matter how slow the reaction was, I could still smell it.

"What?" Ye Rumu was stunned, and stopped, "You said, it was just a faint fragrance before? Now this smell..."

Ye Rumu frowned, this was worse than smelling some heavy perfumes on the tip of the nose in modern times!

"I don't know what the smell is like now,
(End of this chapter)

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