Chapter 1187 Aroma Source 7
"Mu'er, let me do it." Baili Yao stopped Ye Rumu and shook his head at her.

Immediately afterwards, a ball of light condensed with spiritual power appeared in his hand. The ball of light was not big, but it was enough to illuminate the road at his feet.

"The condensed light ball is smaller and doesn't consume so much spiritual power." Baili Yao explained.

"Yeah." Ye Rumu nodded, not arguing with Baili Yao, because she knew that Baili Yao would win her in the end...

"Look, there's a light ahead!" Ye Rumu just turned his head to look ahead, and found some light!
"That's right, it's the light." As soon as Qing Jue saw the light, he wanted to go in quickly!

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao don't know, is there any place here that is so fascinating?
"Let's go quickly, I hope that the end of the light is where we want to go!" Baili Yao saw that they were getting farther and farther away, and pulled Ye Rumu to chase after them.

However, when he walked to Qing Jue's side, he saw a broken wall directly in front of him!And at the other end of the broken wall, there is a coffin without a coffin!

"Broken wall..." Ye Rumu said softly, seeing that the coffin over there also didn't have a coffin lid, could it be that someone really came and lost the coffin lid?

Before Ye Rumu had time to ask Qing Jue what, Qing Jue flew straight over!
Ye Rumu and Baili Yao were taken aback, and quickly flew behind Qing Jue!

"Qing Jue!" Ye Rumu frowned and shouted, how could Qing Jue be so abnormal today?

Because Qing Jue was a step late, both Ye Rumu and Baili Yao saw that Qing Jue was standing beside the coffin, his whole body froze!
"What's wrong?" Ye Rumu asked with concern after landing on the ground.

Qing Jue shook his head, signaling Qing Qian to look at the coffin.

Ye Rumu looked, and was stunned!
The people inside were intact, as if they were asleep. Except for their pale faces, they were really no different from living people, but that's not the point!
The point is, the two people lying inside are Qing Jue and Cang Yuan!

"Qing, Qingjue, and...Cangyuan!" Ye Rumu looked at him, and suddenly felt creepy, why did Cangyuan and Qingjue lie inside?
No... No, Qing Jue is by her side, but Cang Yuan didn't come in, so these two people are not Cang Yuan and Qing Jue!

Li Yuan and Li Mei felt that their master's mood fluctuated too much, and quickly transformed into sword spirits.

"These two people are..." Li Yuan and Li Mei looked at each other and frowned.

"Li Yuan, Li Mei, do you know these two people?" Ye Rumu was extremely surprised, and quickly looked at Li Yuan and Li Mei.

Qing Jue also looked at Li Yuan and Li Mei, and believed that anyone who saw himself in the coffin would be dumbfounded!
"If we remember correctly, in the battle of the immortal world, the corpses of this couple went to unknown places, and later, people gradually forgot, right? I haven't been out for a long time, but according to human Personally speaking, I must have forgotten it!" Li Yuan curled his lips in disdain as he thought of the group of selfish humans outside.

"What's their name?" Speaking of the couple who died in that war, Ye Rumu, who had read the historical records, had some impressions in his mind!

"Xianmystery, Kechen." Li Mei replied lightly.

"Xianmystery...Kechen..." Qingjue murmured these two names, although he didn't feel a little familiar, but his intuition made him come here,
(End of this chapter)

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