Chapter 1195 Did You Get Nothing 3
The number of people who die is about the same every year. In this secret realm, the smell of blood is already everywhere!
Ling Feiyu never cared what the living people brought out from here, since they got it, it was theirs!

"Okay, now that everyone is here, get ready, and we'll go out when the time comes! Calculated in terms of days, the gate won't open until one day later. You can move around, but don't go far!" Ling Feiyu After speaking, I found a stone and meditated on it.

For those who have lived for tens of thousands of years, a day is just a blink of an eye!
"Find a place to rest." Baili Yao said as he watched everyone disperse and found a place to settle down temporarily.

"Okay, just go to the dean." The surrounding area is very empty, so there is no need to move.

Everyone agreed that if you get closer to Ling Feiyu, the danger will be much less!
However, even if he escaped the danger in the secret realm, Ye Rumu felt that sooner or later he would be annoyed to death by Shangguan Gu'er!
Just after being honest for a while, Shangguan Gu'er came here to make trouble!
"Huh! Miss Ben knew that iron claws were not a good thing at a glance. Sure enough, she just made love to Miss Ben and went into your arms! Ye Rumu, you are really generous, even this kind of half-hearted thing You want both?"

Ye Rumu frowned, and looked up at Shangguan Gu'er, "Yes, I want more, what's wrong? You didn't want it yourself, and now you regret it? It's a pity, even if you regret it now, I won't give it to you." is you!"

Shangguan Gu'er's face was almost distorted with anger, and he said angrily: "I regret it? I want it? What are you talking about? How could I regret it? Only you can appreciate this useless thing. Look! Miss Ben, you accept it because you are as useless as it, right? Hahaha!"


A loud applause suddenly resounded through the space.

Even Ling Feiyu, who had been keeping his eyes closed all this time, opened his eyes.

Everyone looked at it one after another, only to see Shangguan Gu'er froze with a ferocious face, a red and swollen palm print on his face, which was still slowly swelling at a speed visible to the naked eye!
"You better keep your mouth clean." Baili Yao warned coldly.

Obviously Baili Yao is still so far away from Shangguan Gu'er, but Shangguan Gu'er can transform into what he wants through spiritual power, so as to do what he wants to do for himself!

Ling Feiyu squinted his eyes, this Baili Yao has a pretty good talent!
Many people in his realm don't know how to use spiritual power to condense into slaps and other things!
"You! How dare you hit Miss Ben!" Shangguan Gu'er's voice changed in pain, and he stared straight at Baili Yao, revealing that he was about to eat people!
Without further ado, he drew his sword and wanted to slash at Baili Yao.

Baili Yao still stood calmly, and when Shangguan Gu'er's sword came in front of him, he stretched out his hand to catch it, and snapped it off!Shangguan Gu'er's sword suddenly turned into pieces inch by inch!
Shangguan Gu'er was really stunned at this moment, staring at Baili Yao, as if seeing something terrible!
The members of Shangguan's family naturally did not allow Baili Yao to bully Shangguan Gu'er, so they ran over in a hurry, wanting to do it without saying a word!

Ling Feiyu frowned, and waved his hand lightly, and the people from Shangguan's family could no longer get close to the people from Twilight Academy!

"Senior Ling, what do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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