Chapter 1199 Ling Feiyu Helps 3
When did Ling Feiyu feel so depressed?
"Everyone came out?" Ling Feiyu's sadness and depression came and went quickly, and soon, he returned to his usual appearance.

Ling Feiyu looked inside, "Since everyone has come out, the entrance to the secret realm should be closed, you all go back."

As Ling Feiyu said, he sat down in meditation at the entrance of the secret realm, and cast a spell to close the entrance of the secret realm.

"We're going back too." Mu Daoyu checked the servants. Only the Twilight Academy was entered by everyone and everyone came out. However, in the eyes of other forces, the Twilight Academy is also the most useless. There are so many treasures, but they didn't look for anything because they were afraid of death!

Even the weapons obtained in the secret realm were all obtained when Beiming College, the Ximen Family and the Shangguan Family were all present!If they were to go find it alone, they wouldn't dare, right?
In short, Twilight Academy was treated as a laughing stock by everyone this time!
But what is strange is that no one from the Twilight Academy showed a frustrated expression. Could it be that they are used to it?

The news of Shangguan Gu'er being beaten also spread, and everyone lamented that the Twilight Academy didn't know how to deal with the Shangguan family?Just wait for the academy to close!
Even if it doesn't close the door, I believe Shangguan's house will let Twilight Academy experience again that the entire academy feels like no one!
Ling Feiyu closed the secret realm, and instead of going back to his usual residence, he looked in the direction of Shangguan's house, squinted his cloudy old eyes, flew up in the air, and headed for Shangguan's house!
What Baili Yao said made him agree very much, so let's regard it as the last good thing he did after leaving the world of cultivating immortals!

Shangguan's house, Shangguan Gu'er had just returned to Shangguan's house, and was about to cry about the grievances received in this business, when he heard that a big man had visited Shangguan's house!
Shangguan Gu'er frowned, and wanted to meet the big man, but the servants stopped her, saying that the Patriarch ordered everyone not to disturb her!

Shangguan Gu'er frowned suddenly, she is a young lady, where can she go?

But this time the servant's attitude is very firm, no matter what Shangguan Gu'er said, he just won't let go!

"Okay, miss ben, yes, don't go in, but do you want to tell, ben, miss, who is here?" Shangguan Gu'er became impatient, she didn't want to speak at first, but this lowly servant forced her say.

Shangguan Gu'er had already worn a gauze cap, and the servants were still wondering why the young lady put on a gauze cap. Now when they heard Shangguan Gu'er's voice, they were all stunned!
The one in front of her... isn't their lady, is she?
"You...are you Miss? Miss's voice is not like this!" The servant questioned.

Shangguan Gu'er was furious, these fools!

Even if her voice changes, she shouldn't be unrecognizable!

"Elder, you, tell him!" Shangguan Gu'er tilted his head to look at Elder Shangguan. Because one side of his face was swollen, he had to tilt his head and squint his eyes. Fortunately, he was wearing a silly hat, otherwise Shangguan Gu'er would I don't know how scary she looks like!

"Are you blind? You can't even tell that this is the eldest lady of the Shangguan family?" The elder frowned. Although it was true that he couldn't tell, it was the servant's fault!
Servant: "..."

The voice has changed, and she is wearing an exaggerated gauze hat, covering her entire face, who can recognize it...

(End of this chapter)

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