Chapter 1202 Ling Feiyu Helps 6
"...Okay, Senior Ling, this junior will definitely not touch even a hair of the Twilight Academy, nor will I let my daughter and son go to trouble the Twilight Academy, Senior Ling, what do you think?" Patriarch Shangguan thought for a while and had no choice but I agreed.

"Very good, I hope Patriarch Shangguan can remember what he said today. I won't bother you, I will leave first." After receiving Patriarch Shangguan's words, Ling Feiyu didn't want to stay any longer.

Although I have decided to go to the Immortal World, it is not a matter of leaving now, and I will stay in the Immortal Cultivation World for a few more years, so let's see more of the Immortal Cultivation World!

"Senior Ling, stay here and let the younger generation do the honor of being a landlord!" Patriarch Shangguan wanted to send this Buddha away quickly, but he had to smile to persuade him to keep it.

It can be seen how much the owner of Shangguan is afraid of Ling Feiyu!

"No, I still have something to do. As long as the head of the Shangguan family can do what I promised, the deity will naturally go to the Buddha one or two to the Shangguan family. If there is anything that can't be solved, you can try it with the deity, and it is right. This deity owes you a favor." After Ling Feiyu finished speaking, no matter how shocked the Shangguan Patriarch was when he heard his words, he left the study of the Shangguan Patriarch directly.

After leaving the door, Ling Feiyu squinted at the blue sky, and flew out in the air!
In the study, Patriarch Shangguan was still in a daze, did he hear correctly just now?Was Ling Feiyu throwing an olive branch at Shangguan's family just now?

And because of the Twilight College incident, Ling Feiyu even took the initiative to say that he owed him a favor!
The head of the Shangguan family happily walked around, with Ling Feiyu's backing, the Shangguan family will definitely be able to reach a higher level!
Patriarch Shangguan opened the door with a smile, and the butler immediately walked to Patriarch Shangguan and said, "Patriarch, Miss is back."

"Gu'er is back?" The head of the Shangguan family must have been very happy, because he agreed to Ling Feiyu, and there is no way to deal with Shangguan Gu'er, and he knows this daughter's temperament very well. If he knows that he can't If you trouble the Twilight Academy again, you will definitely not let it go!
"Master, Miss has been waiting for you for a long time, do you want to see Miss?" the housekeeper asked cautiously.

Patriarch Shangguan thought for a while, and finally nodded, "See you, go and call Mu'er over!"

"Yes, Patriarch." The housekeeper nodded and stepped back.

Soon, Shangguan Gu'er and Shangguan Mu appeared in the study of the head of the Shangguan family.

Shangguan Gu'er was still wearing a gauze hat, which made Shangguan Mu and the head of the Shangguan family very puzzled.

"Gu'er, why are you still wearing a gauze hat at home?"

"Yes, sister, what's wrong with you?" Shangguan Mu couldn't accompany Shangguan Gu'er to the secret realm, so Shangguan Mu didn't know anything about Shangguan Gu'er.

Shangguan Gu'er reached out and took off the gauze cap, revealing her swollen old Gao's face, tears streaming down her face.


It was good that no one asked, but when he asked, Shangguan Gu'er's tears kept flowing.

"Gu'er, what's going on with you? What's the matter?" Shangguan Mu looked at Shangguan Gu'er distressedly, one side of Shangguan Gu'er's face was completely unreadable!

Patriarch Shangguan spit out all the tea in a sip, and looked at Shangguan Gu'er in a daze, "Gu'er, who did this?"

The owner of Shangguan's eyes became fierce, who would dare to bully his precious daughter!

(End of this chapter)

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