Chapter 1207 Learning Alchemy 2
He took a deep breath, turned off the fire, and washed the alchemy furnace. He was not in a hurry to continue, but was thinking about how to succeed?

There is no one to teach, and you can only explore it by yourself.

Mu Daoyu walked over from the outside, and smelled a burning smell from a long distance, Mu Daoyu's face changed, could it be a fire inside?

Mu Daoyu hurriedly opened the door and rushed in. Seeing Ye Rumu sitting in front of the alchemy furnace, he was stunned for a moment, "What's wrong? Girl Rumu?"

"Dean, you are here." Ye Rumu stood up, unexpectedly Mu Daoyu would come here at this time!
"Dean, the herbs in my pill furnace are useless again. I distributed them strictly according to the formula in the book, but why can't I make pills?" Ye Rumu frowned.

When Mu Daoyu heard it, he finally understood what was going on, shook his head helplessly, and persuaded: "Rumu, don't worry too much, you can't learn everything right away, thinking back then, my master also It was Mu Qing, the former dean. When she first learned alchemy, she was much worse than you are now! At that time, the master almost burned the house down! Later, she practiced and practiced, and became a good alchemist without knowing it. Alright! You've only been in touch with alchemy for a few days, and it's normal for you not to be able to achieve alchemy. Why don't you go to Beiming Academy for a while? Beiming Academy's alchemy is currently the best in the world of cultivating immortals , if you go there, it will also help your alchemy."

Ye Rumu frowned, "Go to another college?"

"That's right, girl Rumu, I know your aspiration is not in the realm of cultivating immortals, let alone Twilight College, so you should go to a place where you can develop better!" Mu Daoyu is not an unreasonable person, On the contrary, he is very considerate of others.

Ye Rumu wanted face. If he stayed at Twilight Academy, no one would be able to teach Ye Rumu, but if he went to Beiming Academy, it would be different!

"Dean, I'm afraid no one doesn't know that I'm from Twilight Academy. I went to Beiming Academy halfway, isn't it good?" Ye Rumu squinted his eyes, although Beiming Academy can teach alchemy She is very concerned about the matter, but she can't quit the Twilight Academy halfway!

"It's all for future considerations! Twilight Academy can't teach you anything!" Mu Daoyu shook his head, going to Beiming Academy, in fact, it's nothing, it was originally for learning art, there is no learning in Twilight Academy Yes, isn't it normal to go to another academy?

"What if I just want to learn alchemy and don't want to join Beiming Academy?" Ye Rumu narrowed her eyes. If so, she can learn alchemy and stay in Twilight Academy!

"It's not impossible, unless you can be attracted by those reclusive alchemy masters and take them as closed disciples. But Rumu, those reclusive alchemists don't want to have any more contact with the world, they want them Promise to teach you alchemy, this is even more difficult!" What's more, you may not be able to find someone!
Mu Daoyu didn't say the last sentence.

Ye Rumu thought for a while, sighed, and said, "Forget it, Dean, I'll learn by myself first, and I'll talk about this matter later."

Mu Daoyu saw that Ye Rumu said so, so he didn't say anything more, but he didn't want Ye Rumu's alchemy talent to be buried in vain, so he planned to ask Ye Rumu to inquire about those who lived in seclusion. Alchemy expert!
(End of this chapter)

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