Chapter 1213 Unreliable old man 1
As a result, I just walked for an hour or two, alas!His life is really hard!

Qing Jue ignored Ye Xiaoye's sad eyes.

After dinner, each went to his own business.

In the next few days, Ye Rumu was still studying her alchemy. Ye Rumu was a little persistent, as long as it was something she wanted to do, she must do it!
Therefore, even if the matter of alchemy hits a wall temporarily, Ye Rumu will not just give up!

One day, after Ye Xiaoye finished practicing, he played alone in the backyard, playing this and this, curled his lips, and complained: "Everyone knows how to practice! Ignore me!"

"I care about you!"

Suddenly, the voice of a grinning old man came into Ye Xiaoye's ears.

Ye Xiaoye was stunned for a moment, where did this old man come from Twilight Academy?

Even if Mu Daoyu is the oldest, but because of his cultivation, it doesn't matter if he is thousands of years old!And he clearly recognized Mu Daoyu's voice, so who is this?

"Who are you!" Ye Xiaoye stood up, seeing that there was no one around, and frowned, did he hear it wrong?
No one answered, Ye Xiaoye squatted down and was about to continue playing with his own, when he suddenly felt someone pat on the shoulder!
Ye Xiaoye turned her head immediately, but what was strange was that even if she turned her head to look, she didn't see anyone?

Ye Xiaoye was still wondering, if it was an illusion for the first time, it would be so obvious this time, wouldn't it be?
Ye Xiaoye was a little angry, who the hell is this!

"Who! Come out quickly!" Ye Xiaoye stood up with her hands on her hips and looked around.

But it is very likely that there is a ghost!No matter how Ye Xiaoye looked at it, no matter how much he used his mental strength to test, he still didn't find anyone?

When Ye Xiaoye frowned and was about to turn around and come back, suddenly someone patted her shoulder again!
Ye Xiaoye swallowed, and quickly turned to look, but there was still no one there!

Even if you slapped him with your hands, it's impossible to hide so quickly!
Ye Xiaoye swallowed again, looked in the direction of Ye Rumu, suddenly showed a panic expression on his face, and ran away!

Ye Xiaoye's screams filled the world.

After Ye Xiaoye left, the three fell off the wall outside.

One of them stroked his beard and said puzzledly: "We didn't do anything? Why is this kid so scared? Also, are there ghosts in the world of cultivating immortals? Just kidding me!"

"Okay! Don't forget the business of coming here this time! Frighten this brat now, won't you offend anyone?" One of them said something like that, but there was no fear on his face .

"Tch, are we still afraid of offending people? Have you offended everyone who can be offended in the world of cultivating immortals?" The last one said disdainfully.

"What does it mean to be able to offend? We have already offended once? Don't you have a share?"

"Exactly! When did the distinction become so clear, if the person who offended others is talking about you!"


A few old men quarreled in such a hurry that they almost forgot where this place was, and they had to fight for a win or lose!


Ye Xiaoye ran wildly to find Ye Rumu, as soon as he saw Ye Rumu, Ye Xiaoye immediately pulled Ye Rumu with tears and snot and said: "Mother! There is a ghost!"

"What the hell?" Ye Rumu looked at Ye Xiaoye in confusion,
(End of this chapter)

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