Chapter 1219 Unreliable old man 7
You can't use other people's alchemy furnaces!Besides, can you practice alchemy quietly here?Is the mountain clean? "

"Yes, apprentice, will you go with us?" Jin Zhenzhen asked Ye Rumu who was standing on the side.

Ye Rumu thought for a while and asked, "Can I bring a few people with me?"

"Can you cook?" Jin Duoduo asked immediately as his eyes lit up.

"they will."

"Then what are you thinking about! Of course you can bring someone with you! Don't stay in the Twilight Academy, we can teach you how to practice!" Jin Duoduo immediately poached the wall in front of Mu Daoyu.

Mu Daoyu had already made preparations for Ye Rumu to leave. Ye Rumu left, Qingjue, Qingyao, Qingran, Qingxue Qingxin, Yilian, Baili Yao, Ye Xiaoye, they would not stay Down!

Anyway, Twilight Academy is not in any danger now, they can get better human education, Mu Daoyu is happy for them, so naturally he will not disagree!

It's just that after they left, the Twilight Academy had to become deserted, but Mu Daoyu knew that this would happen sooner or later!

However, Mu Daoyu still pretended to be unhappy, stared at Ji Duoduo resentfully and asked, "Is Twilight Academy that bad?"

"Little Feather, it's not a question of whether it's not bad. You admit that after they reach a higher level than you, you have no way to continue to guide them! According to Rumu girl's appearance, it is not difficult to see that she has not yet cultivated. It took half a year, but it has already reached the intermediate level of spiritual power, and it will soon reach the high level of spiritual power. Isn't the ultimate spiritual power easy to come by? Mu Qing is gone, if you have any questions about cultivation, you can also come to us." Jin Zhenzhen suddenly became serious, without a hippie smile, without hurting others, but speaking the truth in a serious manner!
Mu Daoyu knew that Jin Zhenzhen was right, so he nodded, "Yes, I also know that I will not be able to teach them soon." That's why I entrust Ye Rumu and others to you!

Because he knew that as long as Ye Rumu left, everyone who followed Ye Rumu would also leave!
"Mother, will we come back in the future?" Ye Xiaoye asked quietly.

Ye Rumu nodded, "We just went to learn art, it's not like we can't come back, why don't we come back? If you want to come back in the future, let's come back and have a look, okay?"

After staying here for such a long time, I have already developed deep feelings for the Twilight Academy. I guess I won't be used to it when I leave here!

But after walking for so long and experiencing so many partings, Ye Rumu knew that he must get used to it, because there will be partings in the future!

Ye Xiaoye nodded seriously, "Okay!"

It can be seen that Ye Xiaoye really likes this place.

Ye Rumu touched Ye Xiaoye's head and smiled.

The few people over there didn't know when they had finished talking. Jin Duoduo asked Ye Rumu, "Apprentice, when are you going to leave with us?"

"Masters, don't you want to stay in the Twilight Academy for a few more days? Anyway, you have been living in the mountain and never going out of the mountain. I'm afraid you're bored?" Ye Rumu asked with a smile.

Jin Duoduo nodded, and he was right, "It's boring, and Jin Zhenzhen's food is particularly unpalatable!"

Jin Zhenzhen glared at Jin Duoduo immediately, "If it's not delicious, why have you been eating it for so many years?"

"If you don't eat, you will starve to death. Do you think I should eat or not?" Jin Duoduo asked back.

Jin Zhenzhen's face was full of disdain,

(End of this chapter)

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