Chapter 1224 Unreliable old man 12
Ye Rumu shook his head and said with a smile: "We just moved to another place to live. Don't worry, Qing will never leave! I wanted to tell you, but I felt a little bad. After all, your father , and you are the only family member left.”

Speaking of this, Cang Yuan suddenly lowered his head and said in a low voice: "I also feel very sorry for my father, but I..."

"Needless to say, I understand you." Ye Rumuyan smiled at Yan Yan, who looked like a big sister, and made Cang Yuan, who still felt a little entangled, not entangled.

"Thank you for understanding me." Cang Yuan finally smiled sincerely.

Ye Rumu just nodded, yes, how could he not understand?
"Sister Rumu, I'm suddenly curious about the story between you and Brother Baili." Cang Yuan blushed and said.

"Story, do you want to hear it?" Ye Rumu couldn't help laughing when he recalled that he and Baili Yao knew each other and fell in love with each other.

Cang Yuan nodded quickly, she wanted to hear it.

"Yao and I only met when Xiao Ye was three or four years old." Ye Rumu thought for a while and said something.

But Cang Yuan's eyes widened suddenly, and he asked in disbelief: "So Xiao Ye is not Brother Baili's biological child?"

Cang Yuan thinks it's wrong, Baili Yao loves Ye Xiaoye so much!

"Yes, it's Yao's child." Ye Rumu laughed, everyone must have thought wrong after hearing this, right?

Cang Yuan closed his mouth, only to hear Ye Rumu continue to say: "Many years ago, there was Xiao Ye in a daze. At that time, I didn't know who Xiao Ye's father was. At that time, Yao gave Yao my marriage, and we gradually got to know each other later. At that time, the two of us were not right!"

Ye Rumu was in a daze as he spoke, feeling that the story was very long, but in fact it could be summed up in just a few short sentences!

Take a deep breath, some people, meeting is a lifetime!
Cang Yuan envied the relationship between Ye Rumu and Baili Yao very much. Although it was a marriage gift at first, Baili Yao was also willing to marry Ye Rumu who had a child without a father at that time, so that he finally found his own. His own flesh and blood.

Cang Yuan looked at Qing Jue, and heard that everyone has a fate and a story when they meet, so what about her and Qing Jue?
Cang Yuan thinks about it, Qing Jue has always been so cold and indifferent, in fact, she is the one who pays the most for this relationship!

However, in emotional matters, can you really care about how much you pay?What she likes is him, that's why she is willing to pay, isn't it?
"Sister Rumu, tell me, will all your efforts be rewarded?" Cang Yuan suddenly asked in a low voice.

Ye Rumu felt that something was wrong with Cang Yuan suddenly!
However, Ye Rumu still answered Cang Yuan's question. , "Not all contributions will be rewarded, and if all contributions are seeking returns, then the contributions will be purposeful and will not be so meaningful!"

Cang Yuan pursed her lips, thinking that what Ye Rumu said was right, but she just couldn't help but wanted to get something in return!

How many times has she approached the door like this?

"Cangyuan, you are special, believe me, Qingjue just doesn't know how to get along with you, but it's not that I don't like you! I know what you want to say, but in love, there are no rules, only men can pay!"

(End of this chapter)

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