Chapter 1248 Promotion 8
The voice kept brainwashing Ye Rumu over and over again, making Ye Rumu start to feel a little confused and couldn't distinguish between reality and illusion.

Ye Rumu really wanted to take this step, but looking at Mi Meng and others not far away, she really couldn't go out!

The voice seemed to see that it didn't convince her, so it disappeared.

But it was Mimeng's accusation over there: "Sister, Rosemary, why didn't you come over? Could it be because... I'm with Yao?"

Mimeng nestled sweetly in the arms of "Baili Yao", her face was full of happiness.

The man with Baili Yao's face over there also hugged Mimeng tightly. He said nothing coldly, but proved everything with his actions.

"Die'er, I have already said that this man is not your perfect match, you should be with me!"

At this time, another strange man spoke, making the scene even more chaotic.

Ye Rumu began to feel a little headache, although he knew that all of this was an illusion, it was all fake!But she still couldn't control the depression in her heart!

"Sister, I'm really sorry, I don't want to do this either, but...I just fell in love with Yao uncontrollably, I know you have experienced many things before, but the past is all over, isn't it, Yao now likes It's me!" Mimeng said seriously.

Ye Rumu watched coldly, his trust in Baili Yao remained unchanged.

No matter what the three people over there said, Ye Rumu just ignored it and didn't take a step forward.

Immediately afterwards, the picture changed again.

Probably because he felt that Ye Rumu couldn't be stimulated like before, and there was no way to make Ye Rumu excited and drag her into the abyss. This time, it was even more extreme!

Mimeng caressed her slightly swollen belly with happiness, and looked at Baili Yao with happiness.

"Yao, thank you for giving me such a baby. It's and your sister already have a child, and you and me...wouldn't it be good?" Mimeng asked with a worried face.

"Meng'er, don't worry, I will definitely love our child well, as for the one with your sister, heh, that's just a product of an accident." Baili Yao said bitterly.

"Oh... I just hope my sister doesn't hate me, I really didn't mean it." Mimeng sighed and said kindly.

Ye Rumu watched coldly, and when Baili Yao uttered the first sentence, Ye Rumu could tell that her Baili Yao was not so mean!
As for Mimeng, although she didn't have direct contact with Mimeng, but from several phantoms, and helping her like Mimeng, it seems that Mimeng is not such a person!
Besides, there are still many people who know Mimeng in the world of cultivating immortals, and they all say that Mimeng is a good person. Ye Rumu still believes in Mimeng in her heart, her only sister!
However, the next person who appeared made Ye Rumu worry!
Ye Xiaoye suddenly ran out from the side and pushed Mimeng violently.

And asked angrily: "Why did you treat my mother like this! You are her sister!"

Seeing that it was Ye Xiaoye, Mimeng made a plan, and suddenly clutched her stomach and groaned in pain.

Baili Yao couldn't bear it anymore, and slapped Ye Xiaoye on the head with his palm!
A bloodshot streak left the corner of Ye Xiaoye's mouth, and he looked at Ye Rumu sadly, " me..."

Ye Rumu couldn't bear to read on, she knew that this was all an illusion, and this was a problem that prevented her from being promoted.
(End of this chapter)

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