Chapter 1251 Difficulties 3
The blood on her body has solidified, and the promotion has not been completed yet!
Baili Yao didn't dare to touch it, for fear that if she moved, it would destroy her.

Ye Rumu's face was completely white as paper, Baili Yao was worried that something would happen to Ye Rumu, after thinking about it, he decided to go to the three Jin brothers!

Thinking of this, Baili Yao took a deep look at Ye Rumu, pursed his lips, walked out of the room, saw Qingxue, Qingxin Qingyao, Qingjue, Ye Xiaoye, etc., as long as they live in Nuanxue Valley Everyone is here!
"Father! How is mother?" Seeing Baili Yao come out, Ye Xiaoye quickly went up to ask.

Baili Yao shook his head, "It hasn't succeeded yet, Ye'er, go and help Dad invite some seniors over."

When Ye Xiaoye heard this, she was really worried about Ye Rumu, but her father had nothing to do now, so he had to go to the three grandpas for help!

Thinking about it, Ye Xiaoye nodded, "Don't worry, Daddy, I'll go find the three grandpas right away!"

Baili Yao touched Ye Xiaoye's head, and in the blink of an eye, Ye Xiaoye was already this big.

"Go." Baili Yao's tone was full of exhaustion. Anyone who hasn't rested for a long time and is still full of worries in his heart will not look very good now.

He hasn't washed for a few days, and now Baili Yao is not as handsome and resolute as before.

"My lord... how is the situation now?"

Baili Yao looked up, saw Qingxin's worried face, thought for a while, and decided to tell everyone the truth.

"It's not very good. How about the specifics? Let's wait for a few seniors to come and have a look."

After listening to Baili Yao's words, everyone's expressions were not very good!
"It's useless for everyone to guard here. Go back and rest. I'll let everyone know when Mu'er is safe." Baili Yao looked at the crowd and said.

Everyone has been guarding the door for several days, neither eating nor sleeping well, if this continues, everyone will collapse before Ye Rumu wakes up!

Everyone shook their heads collectively without discussing, how could they leave at such a time?
If they don't hear about Ye Rumu's safety, they won't leave!
Ever since Ye Rumu rescued them and took them in many years ago, he has valued Ye Rumu's life more than their own!
Over the years, many brothers and sisters had been sacrificed when they were weak, and only Qingxue Qingxin and others were still by Ye Rumu's side. It was impossible for them to leave at this time!Even... Even if it's really useless to stay!
"Okay, since you guys don't want to leave, then I won't say anything, but you have to promise me to eat well! Take a nap at night, and when Bie Muer wakes up, he sees both of you collapsed !" Baili Yao said with a strong attitude, if he finds that no one can do it, he can't let that person stay here!
"Okay, I promise you." Qingxue was the first to speak, and after she finished speaking, she felt a little hungry, "So, I'm a little hungry."

Yuan Fa touched his belly that had already lost a lot of weight, "Yeah, I actually lost a lot of weight!"

"I'll ask someone to prepare the meals, everyone should have a good meal first!" Qing Xin looked at how emaciated everyone was, and didn't know what it was like in her heart.

They didn't eat or drink these days, and the guy in the kitchen didn't cook anymore. He just said that they would call him when they wanted something to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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