Chapter 126
At the first glance, Ye Rumu felt that this man was not easy to mess with!She can't see through him!But from the gloomy aura around him, one can tell that this man is a ruthless character!
Ye Rumu raised her eyebrows and looked away. If Feng Xi was staring at her like this, she would still understand, but why did Feng Xie stare at her like this? !
The banquet was about to end, a court lady came to the empress, whispered a few words in her ear, the empress nodded, let the maid go down, approached the emperor, and whispered a few words in his ear.

Bailiyu nodded, looked at Fengxi and Fengxie, and said with a smile: "Princess Fengxi and Prince Fengxie have come from a long distance, and they must be tired. I have arranged a palace for the princess and prince to rest."

After hearing this, Feng Xi pouted, "Your Majesty, Feng Xi has been living in the Xiwu Palace since she was a child, and she is tired of living in it. This time, I just want to live outside the palace, and please Your Majesty the Emperor!"

"This..." Bailiyu thought for a while, and said: "Princess, you have come from a long way, and I will naturally ensure your safety. Living in the palace will be safer than outside."

"Isn't Dongxing Imperial City safe?" Feng Xi asked innocently, blinking.

"Of course it's safe, but the palace will be safer." Baili Yu replied.

"That's okay, brother Sanhuang is a master of martial arts, brother Sanhuang can protect Feng Xi outside." Feng Xi smiled a little smugly.

This cute little appearance makes people's hearts crisp.

Feng Xie didn't want to live in the palace either, so she followed Feng Xi's words and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry, Feng Xi's safety can be protected by the prince."

Bailiyu felt a little regretful, it seemed that he couldn't keep such a beautiful woman like Fengxi in the palace, "Alright then! Since both of you don't want to live in the palace, let's live in the palace outside the palace." .”

"That... His Majesty the Emperor Dongxing, Fengxi has a merciless request." Fengxi looked at Bailiyu generously.

"Oh? What is it? Please tell me, princess, as long as I can do it, I can satisfy you."

"Feng Xi...want to live in the Prince Regent's Mansion!" Feng Xi looked at Baili Yao affectionately, and was obsessed with seeing him drinking from a wine glass.

Feeling like a deer bumping in my heart, this is a feeling I have never felt before.

Bailiyu was unhappy, but still looked at Bailiyao, and said, "My Royal Brother, since Princess Fengxi wants to live, I will entrust Princess Fengxi to you."

Baili Yao paused, his eyes narrowed, and he refused indifferently: "The Prince Regent's Mansion has no spare residence."

Upon hearing this, Ye Rumu spit out all the wine he just drank in his mouth!There is no spare residence at the Regent's House!Liar!

Although she hasn't been to the Regent's Mansion for a long time, no more than one-fifth of the people live in such a big Regent's Mansion!Of course, Baili Yao's concubines also live in many places.

Everyone also felt that the King Regent was speaking nonsense with his eyes wide open, and what he said was really justified.

Baili Yao added: "Your brother has too many women, and the courtyard of the palace is not enough to live in. There is only a servant's room, so I will not wrong the distinguished guest from Xiwu."

Everyone thought about it and thought it was right, the regent has more than [-] concubines!

There are so many servants in the mansion, etc., it is normal that there is not enough room.

After all, no one has ever entered the Regent's Palace to see it.

Bailiyu's frowning brows were loosened. When he saw Bailiyao for the first time, he felt a little bit pleasing to the eye. He didn't care if there was any place to live in the palace, but he only cared about how to prevent Feng Xi from contacting Bailiyao in private. Just as he wants.

(End of this chapter)

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