1262 Chapter 2
The love between them is not vigorous, but now, it has reached the feeling of a long stream of water.

Seeing Cang Yuan again, Cang Yuan's bravery finally made Qing to open her heart to her, probably because Cang Yuan exhausted all the courage in his life, right?
Thinking of this, Ye Rumu smiled softly, hoping that Cang Yuan and Qing Jue could go on like this forever, and never remember everything in the previous life.

Because those are bad memories.

Seeing the backs of Cang Yuan and Qing Jue disappear for a long time, Ye Rumu turned and entered the room.


After Ye Xiaoye left Nuanxue Valley, the first thing she wanted to do was to eat, drink and travel around the world!
Ye Rumu used to be in business. After learning alchemy, he would occasionally auction off elixirs, and he could sell them for a good price.Alchemists are rare in the world of cultivating immortals. As long as there is an alchemist, he will be regarded as a guest of honor. After Ye Rumu's elixir appeared, people all over the world began to look for who made this elixir!

It's a pity that no one can find Ye Rumu's whereabouts. Those people couldn't find anyone, so they started to stay on guard to see when the alchemist would appear, and then they would follow back.

As a result, when those people wanted to follow up, the alchemist had disappeared!
Baili Yao had an accident at that time, and Ye Rumu never left Nuanxue Valley again.

After those people guarded for half a year, if they didn't find anyone, they separated!
When Ye Xiaoye went out, he didn't have much money on him, but he brought a lot of pills refined by Ye Rumu!

When Ye Xiaoye had no money, she took it to the auction like her mother did before, and she was able to get a good price as expected!

But Ye Xiaoye didn't know that this pill had already been targeted!

It can be said that the elixirs made by every alchemist can be distinguished, but Ye Rumu's is very perfect, and it is even easier to distinguish.

As soon as Ye Rumu's elixir appeared, the outside went crazy!
And Ye Xiaoye didn't know about it yet, and was happily waiting to count the money!

As a result, the money was obtained, but people were also blocked!

Ye Xiaoye was blocked at the door, because the people who provided the pills would wait in the background to collect the money, so those who didn't provide the pills all left, and there should be only one person left. , but... What's going on with a half-grown kid walking out?

The people who stopped Ye Xiaoye looked at each other, all dumbfounded.

"Boy? Did you provide those pills that were auctioned off just now?" asked Ye Xiaoye, stopping him.

Ye Xiaoye raised her eyebrows arrogantly, and said with a cold snort, "So what?"

"It's really you? Kid, how old are you?" Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Can such a young child believe it?

"It's none of your business how old I am! What are you doing?" Ye Xiaoye looked warily at the person blocking him.

The person who stopped Ye Xiaoye sneered, "Who gave you these pills, tell them quickly! Tell us, and we will let you go home!"

No matter how stupid Ye Xiaoye is, she knows that these people are after Ye Rumu!

Rolling his eyes, he raised his eyebrows and said: "I picked these up on the road. I heard that this pill can sell for a lot of money, so I came here. Why, does this have anything to do with you? You also Are you short of money? Or do you mean that this elixir belongs to you? Oh, no, it is definitely not yours, so don’t try to grab my money!"

(End of this chapter)

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