Chapter 1269: Choosing Heaven Sect 1
So Caixin thought, she can't ask Ye Xiaoye to stay with her all the time, because maybe one day, she will go first!

"Xiaoye, if we are separated in the future, will you come to me?" Although it was the first time we met, Caixin felt that she and Ye Xiaoye were now close friends!
Ye Xiaoye thought for a while, "I won't deliberately look for it, but if we are destined, we will meet again."

It took Caixin a long time to say yes, if you don't look for it, I will look for it when I grow up.

"Okay, hehe, don't make Xiao Hu wait too long! I want to meet that Xiaohu sect for a while!" Cai Xin showed a devilish smile, and she wanted to punish Xiao Hu for a long time. When I first came here, I gave them a big blow!

"Okay." Ye Xiaoye nodded and stood up.

Caixin naturally took Ye Xiaoye's hand, seeing that Ye Xiaoye didn't refuse, she secretly laughed inwardly.

The two sides confronted each other, Xiao Hu led his people, and looked at the leader who was not taking the lead, he frowned immediately, and then laughed and mocked: "Where is your leader? Don't you dare to show up? Haha, as expected, you only dare to hide in the Be a turtle in the back!"

"Who are you talking about!" Cai Xin's angry voice came.

"A turtle with a shrunken head said you!" Xiao Hu replied subconsciously, and then the people behind Xiao Hu laughed together, and Xiao Hu also slowly reacted, and immediately shouted at the people behind: "What are you laughing at! shut up!"

Xiao Hu's people suddenly stopped laughing, and stood up seriously one by one.

"Hmph, IQ is so touching!" Caixin curled her lips, that's all, and still want to fight her?

"Little girl, you don't come by word of mouth. Where are you headed? Hurry up and call someone out, don't hide! Hmph, don't even look at how long I've been occupying this mountain, how dare you Occupying this place while we are not paying attention? It is a beautiful idea!" Xiao Hu sneered, and must take back this mountain today!

The Zetian sect built above can just live for one's own people!The Xiaohumen sect is almost out of people!
"Are you blind? You can't even see this sect leader standing in front of you? Also, what do you mean by taking this place while you're not paying attention? Is your name written here? If you don't let it be occupied, you won't Letting occupy? What's more, the rules in the world of cultivating immortals have always been that the strong are kings and the losers are bandits, right? If we win you this time, you will never appear in front of people from our Chosen Sect again! "Caixin is small, but she can't lose her momentum. Every word she says is full of domineering, but reasonable.

"What rules do I hate the most, and you, little girl, don't think that your head is hiding like a turtle, and don't think that we really have nothing to do with you! Hmph, we Xiaohumen sect, but we are better than you!" You have doubled the number of people!" Xiao Hu snorted coldly, this Chosen sect didn't pay attention to people too much, and even let a little girl come out to send him off!
Caixin rolled her eyes, "What's the matter with twice as many people? Anyway, it's just filling the numbers, isn't it, you may not be able to beat us!"

"Then try!" Xiao Hu didn't bother to talk too much with a little girl, so he just started fighting, wouldn't he know who is the hero and who is the bear?

"Come on, brothers!" Xiao Hu looked at the people behind him and waved his hands to make everyone rush up.

(End of this chapter)

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