Chapter 1283
What do you want with Ye Xiaoye?How about looking elsewhere? "

"Hey, you obviously have a little boy here. When I played against you a few days ago, I heard you call him Xiao Ye. Why, now you say there is no more?" Xiao Hu didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, Continue to add oil and vinegar to ask.

Qing Jue frowned, no matter Xiao Ye was here or not, he would go in and take a look!

The boss patted himself on the forehead, Xiao Ye, he is the one the Lord likes, how can he be taken away by others!So the boss can only strongly deny it!Everything is for the Lord!
"Qing Jue, let's go in and have a look." Cang Yuan suggested.

Qing Jue nodded, exactly what he meant.

However, the boss immediately opened his arms and stood in front of the gate, "Don't even try to go in!"

"Do you think you can stop us?" Qing Jue asked calmly.

The boss started to be timid, but he still said stubbornly: "We really don't have the person you are looking for here, you should leave quickly! This Xiao Hu has been against us since we appeared here, you also believe what Xiao Hu said !"

"Hey you! Even if we have been targeting you in the past, it was because we were poor and couldn't afford food. But now that we have lost to you, I promise not to trouble you again, and I will keep my promise. I will never trouble you, not to mention, we have money now, do we still need to trouble you? Hmph, it is said that your lord has used all his wealth to build this sect, maybe You are poorer than us now!" Xiao Hu was unhappy when he heard that.

He is not lying!

"Who said we are poor! Look at what this is? We each have a bottle!" The boss was stimulated and completely forgot where he got the bottle of elixir, and just put it in front of everyone.

"This is... pill?" Xiao Hu smelled the faint fragrance of the medicine, no wonder the people from the Zetian Academy were fighting like indefatigable trappers the last time they fought, it turned out to be There is a pill!
Qing Jue moved his hand, and in the next second, the pill that was originally in the hands of the boss fell into Qing Jue's hand. Qing Jue opened it and took a look.

In fact, there is no need to open it, just by looking at the bottle, you will know who it is from!
"This elixir was made by my master. Only my little master can get so much elixir. Do you have anything else to say?" Qing Jue asked lightly. Say, he's about to break in!
The boss was completely stunned, and would never have thought that he would be defeated by a bottle of elixir...

"Oh~ so that's the case! I'm just curious. Why did you choose to bring a child back to raise a child? It turns out that it's because you are greedy for the pills on him!" Xiao Hu was jealous in his heart. It's enough, it's enough to feed the whole Xiaohumen pie for several years!
There is no need to catch wild game every day and eat it like this time!

"It's not greedy, these are all given to us by Xiao Ye himself!" The boss said quickly in order to prove his innocence.

Xiao Hu smiled in satisfaction, looked at Qing Jue flatteringly and said, "Hero, look, the person you are looking for is indeed here."

Just as Xiao Hu finished speaking, footsteps came from inside.

Accompanied by an immature voice, "Boss, who is it? It's so noisy!"

(End of this chapter)

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