Chapter 1287
Caixin saw that Cang Yuan agreed, but Qingjue didn't speak, so she looked at Qingjue.

Ye Xiaoye smiled, put her hands behind her back, walked in front, and said, "Don't worry, as long as Sister Cangyuan goes, he will follow!"

Caixin was dubious, and was dragged away by Cang Yuan.

Qing Jue followed behind, wherever they went, they followed.

Caixin took a look, blinked and asked, "Uncle Qingjue, Sister Cangyuan, are you a couple? Then why is one called uncle and the other sister? And... I think, you can be called brother Qingjue." .”

"You can call him whatever you like, it's fine." Cang Yuan said with a secret smile.

Indeed, Qing never gets old.

"Okay, since I'm called Sister Cangyuan, if you are my sister, then Brother Qingjue must also be called Brother." Caixin felt that what she said made sense.

"Okay." Cang Yuan said with a smile.

Cangyuan and Caixin hit it off right away. Although they are different in age, they hit it off very well and chatted non-stop along the way.

Qing Jue and Ye Xiaoye walked behind, Ye Xiaoye asked strangely: "Uncle Qing Jue, how can women talk so well?"

"This, you have to ask them." Qing Jue looked at Cang Yuan and Cai Xin in front of him and shook his head.

"Oh." Ye Xiaoye nodded depressedly, since Cangyuan, his Caixin has completely ignored him!
"Father... and mother, are you okay?" Ye Xiaoye looked up, looked at Qingjue and asked.

"It's okay, I just don't trust you, no, let me follow you." Qing Jue looked down at Ye Xiaoye's body which was getting taller day by day, and patted his head.

Ye Xiaoye bit her lip, "Hey... I don't want to stay in that atmosphere anymore, and I don't know when Daddy will wake up, mother kisses her again..."

"Don't think about it, your father will wake up sooner or later, and your mother will be fine." Qing Jue comforted Ye Xiaoye, since Ye Xiaoye came to this world, Qing Jue has been by his side until now ...It's been almost ten years!

"Of course my father will wake up, he still has to protect me and mother, and mother will get better, now mother just wants to keep herself busy..." The more Ye Xiaoye said, the more she wanted to cry.

But as a man, how could he cry over such a trivial matter?
"Okay." Qing Jue rubbed Ye Xiaoye's head, "Don't think too much."

"Yeah." Ye Xiaoye nodded.

Cang Yuan didn't seem to see Caixin's parents, and Ye Xiaoye didn't say anything, so he asked, "Caixin, where are your parents? Why aren't they here?"

"I sneaked out like Xiao Ye, hehe, my parents may not know where I am until now!" Caixin was a little proud.

"You!" Cang Yuan was stunned for a moment, unexpectedly, Cai Xin sneaked out like Xiao Ye, so it's no wonder that the two became good friends?
"I don't know what happened to my parents, but well, there will be nothing wrong with my parents. I think people all over the world are looking for me now!" Caixin laughed, and she waited for her parents to find her.


"Sister Cangyuan, you guys are amazing. You found Xiaoye so quickly. How did you find it?" Caixin was a little curious. She had been looking at this place for many days and decided to settle here after she felt it was hidden enough. !

"There is a small town over there, and Xiaoye must pass through when leaving home. Just when Xiaoye left with the people from the Zetian sect,
(End of this chapter)

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