Chapter 1289
"Maybe there was a conflict? I asked the boss, but the boss seemed reluctant to talk about it, so I didn't ask, but no matter what, it must be Canghai College bullying people!" Caixin said indignantly.

If it weren't for the fact that she doesn't have the ability to stand up for the boss and the others, she wouldn't have brought people to hide here!
"En." Cang Yuan hummed, and stopped talking, and the smile on his face disappeared.

Caixin sensitively discovered something, thought for a while, and asked, "Sister Cangyuan, what's wrong with you? Could it be that you know people from Canghai College, are from Canghai College?"

Caixin suddenly discovered that Canghai Academy, like Cang Yuan, has the same surname as Cang!

"No, Canghai College and I said that there is a relationship, but the relationship is not very big." Cang Yuan explained.

"What's the relationship?" Caixin asked again.

"My ancestors belonged to Canghai College. Later, they were framed because they competed for the position of head. Therefore, my ancestors set up their own school and called Linyuan College. I always feel a little complicated about Canghai College." Cang Yuan sighed.

"So that's how it is! Let me just say, there aren't many good people in Canghai College. My sister's ancestors must have been wronged!" Although Caixin is small, she has seen such things more than once, so Caixin The heart can tell the difference.

Cang Yuan touched Lucky Heart's head, "Who is right and who is right in this kind of thing, and who can say it clearly? It's been such a long time, hasn't it?"

Caixin scratched her head, as if she was right.

"Sister Cangyuan, I think it's true when you say that. Forget it, it's all about people in previous lives. Can't we just live our lives well?" Caixin said seriously.

"Yeah, just live your own life well." Cang Yuan looked back at Qing Jue, Qing Jue, it was her life!

"Sister Cangyuan, do you like the Chosen sect? This place was built after I thought about it for a long time!" Cai Xin wrinkled her little nose and said.

"I like it! It's very beautiful, Caixin is really talented!" Cang Yuan was a little embarrassed, because after so long, he hadn't seriously looked at the surrounding scenery, but he felt a little sorry for Caixin...

"Hey, that's of course, it doesn't matter who thought it up." Caixin raised her head arrogantly, accepting Cang Yuan's admiration very naturally.

Cang Yuan smiled, Caixin and Ye Xiaoye are very similar in one point!
"Sister Cangyuan, are you really not going to take Xiaoye away? If you really want to take away, please wait until my family finds me, okay?" Caixin suddenly became sad. If not, then you won't be able to see Saya!

I don't know if I will have this chance to see him in the future.

Cang Yuan never imagined that Caixin would care about Ye Xiaoye so much, this is not the first time he has asked this question.

But Cang Yuan can understand Caixin very well, because the sudden appearance of her and Qingjue makes Caixin feel insecure!
"Caixin, you can rest assured that as long as Xiaoye is unwilling to leave, we are absolutely wrong to take him away. After you go home, we may not go back, because Xiaoye originally wanted to go out and walk around. We Just follow Xiao Ye and keep him safe." Cang Yuan said it so seriously that he almost swore an oath!
(End of this chapter)

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