Chapter 129: Fengxie Forced Marriage 1
It's better to teach him some real things and lay a solid foundation.

When Ye Rumu was teaching Ye Xiaoye, Baili Yao came, so Ye Rumu handed over the great and difficult task of teaching his son martial arts to his father, and slipped away by himself.

Facing Baili Yao, Ye Rumu still felt that his face was a little hot.

Ye Rumu looked at the two figures, one big and one small, doing the same movements, and couldn't help feeling that the small one was cute, and the big one was also cute.

Suddenly, a hidden guard quickly came to Ye Rumu's side, "Princess!"

"What's the matter?" Ye Rumu asked, looking away.

"Princess Xiwu and the prince are asking to see the prince."

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, "Oh."

Ye Rumu only had a simple word "oh", and the secret guard couldn't figure out what she meant, so he had to ask again: "Princess, do you want to see...?"

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, and asked strangely: "Didn't you come to see my princess, why do you ask me?"

Ye Rumu pointed to Baili Yao who was not far away, and said, "Here, your prince is over there, go over and ask."

Dark Guard: "..."

He looked at Baili Yao over there with some hesitation, looking for the prince?
Seeing his hesitation, Ye Rumu asked, "What? Will your prince still eat you?"

The dark guard Kuanghan will not eat him, but... the princess and the prince, they are subordinates, they are more willing to go to the princess...

"Okay, okay, my concubine has decided for him, go and invite people in." Ye Rumu wanted to see what the two of them wanted to do.

The dark guard wiped his forehead, "Princess, you should have said it earlier, but you didn't dare to say it, and after answering, you quickly performed lightness kung fu and left."

After a while, a servant girl from the palace led Feng Xie and Feng Xi over.

After getting closer, Ye Rumu didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that Feng Xi's face was more delicate and charming.

As soon as Fengxi saw Ye Rumu, she burst into a bright smile, trotted two steps forward, grabbed Ye Rumu's hand, and called out sweetly: "Sister~"

Ye Rumu laughed softly, and calmly withdrew his hand, "Princess Fengxi."

"What's wrong with sister? Is there anything you want to tell Feng Xi?" Feng Xi asked innocently and sweetly.

She looked like an innocent girl who didn't know much about the world.

But Ye Rumu's business of being a killer and collecting information, it is impossible not to investigate the details of the royal family members of various countries. This Fengxi has a chaotic private life. Not only can he be a man, but he also likes to mess with his father and brothers.

Thinking about it this way, Ye Rumu couldn't help but feel that the hand held by Feng Xi was so uncomfortable.

"I don't remember my princess, what kind of sister is there! Princess Fengxi, don't mistake someone, my father only gave birth to two sisters for this princess, and there is no younger sister."

Feng Xi's face froze, and she secretly cursed Ye Rumu in her heart, telling your sister to think highly of you!You ungrateful animal!
Feng Xi continued to smile coquettishly: "I call you sister, that's right! In the future, when Feng Xi marries Prince Yao, sister Wangfei will be Feng Xi's sister. Sister, we will serve the prince together from now on."

The corner of Ye Rumu's mouth twitched, he had seen someone shameless before, and this was the first time he had seen someone like this.

"Then let's wait until you marry the prince."

"Sister said this, is she expecting Feng Xi to marry into the palace as soon as possible?" Feng Xi asked happily.

Ye Rumu: "..."

Just at this moment, Baili Yao walked over with Ye Xiaoye in his arms, Feng Xi saw Bai Li Yao, his eyes lit up, and he said happily: "Prince Yao! Just now the sister of the palace said that I hope Feng Xi will get married soon!
(End of this chapter)

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