Chapter 1292
"Zhuangcheng. Sister Cangyuan, does she know where it is?" Caixin asked, looking up at Cangyuan.

Cang Yuan nodded, "I have heard a little bit that Zhuangcheng's surname is Zhuang, but Caixin you are from Zhuangcheng."

And from what Caixin sometimes said, Cang Yuan judged that Caixin's house should not be simple.

No matter what the people in Zhuangcheng say, they are all somewhat related, and they are self-sufficient, and they are also very strong now.

Cang Yuan always wanted to visit Zhuangcheng before, but now he can take this opportunity to visit.

"That's right, our Zhuangcheng doesn't welcome outsiders to stay here now, but well, it's okay to play or something, Sister Cangyuan, this time I'll take you to play enough!" Caixin said with a smile.

"Okay." Cang Yuan nodded. Although Zhuangcheng allows outsiders to visit, if it doesn't matter, they can only stay there for three days. Once the three days are up, they will leave Zhuangcheng. If you are here, you should be able to stay longer.

Ye Xiaoye was puzzled and asked, "Where is Zhuangcheng? Also, what kind of city is Zhuangcheng?"

"You'll know when you go there, you'll like it there! The people in Zhuangcheng are very enthusiastic and love each other, and if anyone has difficulties, everyone else will help together!" Caixin said with a smile.

Hearing what Caixin said, Ye Xiaoye had great expectations for this Zhuangcheng.

Cang Yuan still underestimated the vastness of the world of cultivating immortals. Although she grew up in the world of cultivating immortals and had read countless maps, she still led everyone lost!
Cang Yuan helped his forehead, and said embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, I... seem to have lost my way."

"Ah?" Caixin's eyes widened, seeing the trees all around her, she was also confused for a while.

"Which direction is Zhuangcheng?" Qing Jue asked.

In the past, Ye Rumu taught him a lot of ways to tell the direction. In the mountains and forests, if you can't see the sun, you can still use the tree rings to tell the direction.

"In the south." Cang Yuan replied.

Caixin thought for a while, she seemed to only remember that her home was in Zhuangcheng, "It should be in the south!"

Qing Jue nodded, found a tree underground, and squatted down to pay attention to the growth of the grass at the foot of the tree. Ye Rumu said that the weeds grow more vigorously in the south, and the surface of the bark, the south gate will be smoother!
Indeed, the grass on one side is more vigorous.

Qing Jue raised his head and said, "Just go in this direction."

"Is there no problem?" Cang Yuan blinked and asked.

"Now I don't care about so much. Even if the direction is wrong, first find a place with people, or go out of this forest." Qing Jue thought for a while, and had to say, I just hope that there is nothing wrong with identifying the direction in this way.

The others had no choice but to walk in the direction pointed by Qing Jue.

"After the meeting, I will definitely review the map carefully!" Cang Yuan said seriously.

"Review the ground. In the mountains and forests, you will get lost if you don't have a strong sense of direction. Don't think too much." Qing Jue said softly.

It can be seen that Cang Yuan is feeling guilty for letting everyone get lost.

"Yeah." Cang Yuan nodded, Qingjue's gentle voice made her almost drunk...

"Fortunately, there are no spirit beasts here, otherwise it would undoubtedly make things worse." Cang Yuan said happily.

In other words, there are no spirit beasts around here, why is this?
It stands to reason that such a large forest is suitable for the survival of spirit beasts, and it is impossible that there are no spirit beasts inhabiting it!

(End of this chapter)

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