Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1302 The Zhuangcheng Incident 9

Chapter 1302 The Zhuangcheng Incident 9
Zhuang Ming said with a smile, obviously all the previous things have been forgotten.

"I'm sorry to bring up your sadness." Cang Yuan apologized with some shame.

"No, it's not a sad thing anymore. I was raised by the city lord, so Caixin, I will use my life to protect her. It's also a way to repay the city lord's kindness in nurturing her." Zhuang Ming looked into Caixin's eyes Some melancholy.

Because she had experienced such a thing, Zhuang Ming didn't want Caixin to be like her.

But this is reality, there is no way around it.

It is impossible to restore what has happened, but to move forward firmly.

Cang Yuan pursed her lips, "We can rest assured knowing that you will treat her well."

Zhuang Ming nodded, and said: "Caixin doesn't have many friends, and she used to play a lot with Zhuang Ke City Lord. If you have time in the future, you must come to Zhuangcheng to play! At that time, Caixin's mood should recover It's almost there, when the time comes, let Caixin take you to play around."

"Okay, then we will definitely come when we are free!" Cang Yuan did not dare to say when he would come, but only said that he would definitely come when he had time.

"This time, I'm afraid you are not in the mood to go around and have a look around, but I don't know how many of you will live in Zhuangcheng?" Zhuang Ming asked.

If at this time, they were still able to go out to play happily, Zhuang Ming probably wouldn't give them any good looks, after all, Caixin was still so sad now.

"We'll leave when Caixin recovers." Ye Xiaoye raised his head and said.

Cang Yuan nodded when he heard the words, "After Caixin recovers, let's say goodbye to her."

The current Caixin might not be able to listen to anything, what if they left when Caixin was saddest, Caixin regained her composure and felt even more sad that she couldn't see anyone?
Of course, maybe Caixin would be even more sad if she didn't see Ye Xiaoye.

Zhuang Ming felt that they were thinking very well, so he nodded, "Okay, I will tell the city lord about this, and let the city lord treat you well."

Cang Yuan shook his head, "You don't need to be so polite. This time, I wanted to send a lottery heart back to Zhuangcheng to see the beautiful scenery of Zhuangcheng. Now that I know about such things, I am not in the mood anymore. I can only come again next time." gone."

"The beautiful scenery and customs of Zhuangcheng... Next time you come, Caixin and I will take you to experience it personally!" Zhuang Ming promised with a smile after knowing the purpose of Cangyuan and the others.

"Okay, when the time comes, please trouble Ms. Zhuang Ming to take us there!" Cang Yuan nodded repeatedly.

"However, I still want to ask, who are they? How did you meet Caixin, and why did you send Caixin back now? Caixin has been away from home for more than a year." Although Zhuang Ming felt a little Everyone looked good, but it couldn't be ruled out that they knew Caixin's identity and wanted to plot something before sending Caixin back. Otherwise, how could there be no movement for so long!
Zhuang Ke didn't ask her to ask, but he asked her to find out these things clearly!

"I am Cang Yuan, the daughter of the dean of Linyuan College, and Qing Jue and Xiao Ye are from Twilight College." Cang Yuan felt that since Zhuang Ming was suspicious, it would be fine to say so, and this identity was not something to be shamed.

Zhuang Ming narrowed his eyes, and continued to ask: "As far as I know, Linyuan College and Twilight College are separated by more than half of the world of cultivating immortals.

(End of this chapter)

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