Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1305 The Zhuangcheng Incident 12

Chapter 1305 The Zhuangcheng Incident 12
"What's the matter? Don't be upset. I'll see Caixin later when I miss Caixin." Ye Xiaoye was so obviously unhappy that Qingjue wanted to ignore it and pretend he didn't see it.

Ye Xiaoye pursed her lips, "I'm not upset because I'm leaving, but I went to say goodbye to Caixin just now, and Caixin only said one word! She was the one who kept emphasizing that I should not leave her, but now it's like this That's an understatement, so I'm not happy!"

Qing Jue: "..."

"It must be because Caixin has Zhuang Ke, so she forgot about me! Hmph! Since Caixin doesn't want me anymore, then I don't want Caixin either! Uncle Qingjue, Sister Cangyuan, you don't want to be in front of me anymore Don't mention Caixin, I don't want to see Caixin again."

Ye Xiaoye was sad, and prepared to say goodbye with a sad face, but Caixin didn't even give him a look, and didn't say a word of the rest, just let him leave like this.

Cang Yuan and Qing Absolutely looked at each other, Cang Yuan couldn't help asking: "Xiao Ye, are you serious?"

Ye Xiaoye made up his mind and nodded sharply, "I'm serious! Since Caixin doesn't want us, we don't want Caixin either!"

"But Xiaoye, Caixin is just too sad now, when Caixin is over and knows that you are going to give up her as a friend, how sad will she be?" Cang Yuan persuaded.

Xiao Ye is not such a stingy person, but Cang Yuan doesn't want to think, a ten-year-old child, wouldn't be so extreme because of Zhuang Ke's jealousy?

But how old is Xiaoye?

Cang Yuan felt that the whole person was a bit messy, the current child really cannot be underestimated...

Ye Xiaoye pouted, "Caixin is sad, can't I be angry and sad? Hmph! I don't care, hurry up, let's go, the people here don't welcome us to stay any longer, don't you see that , if it wasn't for Caixin, I wouldn't be able to stay any longer."

Cang Yuan shook his head, and finally decided not to persuade Ye Xiaoye. After all, the people here are not very friendly to them. Not only Ye Xiaoye saw it, but Ye Xiaoye said it directly.

Maybe because of the incident with the city owner a year ago, the current Zhuangcheng is heavily guarded and no outsiders are allowed to enter.

So now Zhuangcheng, apart from them, has no customers.

Zhuang Cheng would rather not make money from outsiders than to have such a tragedy happen again.

"Let's go." Qing Jue took a last look at the City Lord's Mansion, looked at Cang Yuan and said calmly.

Cang Yuan opened his mouth, and finally, under Qing Jue's gaze, he nodded without saying a word, took Ye Xiaoye's hand, and the three of them were ready to leave.

"The three stay here."

Suddenly Zhuang Ming's voice came from behind, and the three of them stopped, waiting for Zhuang Ming to come up.

"The city lord is busy with official duties, and Caixin is too sad to come and see the three of you off. The city lord specifically asked me to come and see the three of you out of the city." Zhuang Ming had a kind smile on his face.

"You Lao girl."

Qing Jue squinted his eyes, and after saying this, he walked ahead and walked towards the city gate.

Cang Yuan led Ye Xiaoye to follow.

In the past few years, Ye Xiaoye has begun to dislike being led by others. Today, being held by Cang Yuan, she didn't react at all. It seems that she is really sad.

Said to send them off, but Zhuang Ming walked at the back and didn't talk to the three of them, so he silently sent the three of them to the city gate along the way, and then said: "You three, I can't send you away, Zhuang Ming just It can be delivered here."

(End of this chapter)

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