Chapter 131: Fengxie Forced Marriage 3
Ye Rumu was drinking tea, when he heard Feng Xi's aggrieved and coquettish words, he immediately took a sip of tea stuck in his throat and coughed violently.

"Cough cough cough-"

Baili Yao suddenly put down Ye Xiaoye, walked behind her, patted her on the back, and said worriedly: "How old are you, I haven't choked on a sip of tea yet."

Ye Rumu: "..."

She was really shocked by Feng Xi's appearance of being bullied by Ye Xiaoye, and you want to make decisions for me, my lord.

Ye Rumu thought about it, if she remembers correctly, her Ye Xiaoye is only three years old and eight months old, not even four years old, right?
Feng Xi is not only spoiled and self-willed, but also selfish and chaotic in her private life. Ye Rumu deeply feels that she still has problems in her mind.

However, Ye Xiaoye is really a treasure. With his mouth flattened, he ran over and pulled Ye Rumu's clothes, "Mother, isn't what Xiaoye said right? Those who deceive people are not good people, mother, you Don't worry, the baby will not be fooled!"

Ye Rumu stretched out his hand calmly, and touched his little head encouragingly, "Good boy, you've done a good job."

Unexpectedly, Ye Xiaoye immediately jumped away when Ye Rumu touched her head, and said dissatisfiedly: "Mom! How many times have I told you, don't touch the baby's head! What if the baby doesn't grow up tall and can't marry a wife?" manage?"

With a dark face, Ye Rumu pulled Ye Xiaoye back, and knocked him on the head by the way, " old are you, you want to marry a wife?"

Ye Xiaoye was wronged, and looked at Baili Yao for help.

Unexpectedly, his father, who valued sex over his son, didn't even look at him.

The family interacted with each other here, while Feng Xi and Feng Xie were completely left alone, and even Feng Xi still had that pitiful and aggrieved expression.

Feng Xie couldn't bear it anymore, stood up, and said angrily: "Prince Regent! What do you mean? Didn't you see that my prince's sister was raped by that wild/
kind of bullying?You are going to marry Xi'er in the future, so I will persuade you to treat her better! "

Baili Yao finally had some reaction. His face was frosty, and he said coldly: "What does your sister have to do with this king? When did this king say that he was going to marry her?"

"You!" Feng Xie pointed at Baili Yao and said angrily, "Dongxing Regent! Thanks to me, Feng Xie, I thought you were a man of iron and blood, but I didn't expect you to be such a ruthless and cold-blooded person! Feng Xi wanted to marry you You, she doesn't ask to be a concubine, what else do you want?"

Well... this is a forced marriage, Ye Rumu complained.

"All the women who have a crush on this king, this king will marry back? If she wants to marry this king, it's her business. If this king doesn't marry or not, what has it to do with you?" Baili Yao was still calm and calm. He replied nonchalantly.

Yes, at least Quan Dongxing said that more than half of the women wanted to marry Baili Yao. If it seemed that they were going to marry, then Baili Yao would never sleep with one woman a day in his life.

Ye Rumu imagined how Baili Yao was buried by a woman, and immediately found it funny.

"How can our honorable princess of Xiwu be compared with other women? Is it possible that you won't marry our princess of Xiwu if you say you won't marry?" Feng Xie said coldly.

It looks like Fengxi was abandoned by Baili Yao.

"Did the king say that he wanted to marry her?" Baili Yao asked coldly.

Ye Rumu also looked at Feng Xie, kneeling down by his divine logic.

Feng Xi said: "Hmph, your Emperor Dongxing said that as long as Feng Xi has a crush on anyone, he will marry. Feng Xi is kind, not letting your princess give up the position of princess is already the biggest concession, you What else do you want?"

 Recommend a book "Miraculous Physician and Silly Concubine: Prince, don't make trouble! "

  Author: Mo Jinxi

  She was the young master of an ancient martial arts family in the 22nd century. She was murdered and died, and she once passed through to the stupid young lady of the general's mansion in another world.

  He is the Xiaoyao Prince with a mysterious background, unparalleled beauty, but disabled legs.

  The emperor bestows a marriage, the ministers add fuel to the flames, a fool matches a cripple, a perfect match!I heard that his legs are disabled, that he is not close to women, that he is bullied by his brothers and sisters?It's okay, she's covered!

(End of this chapter)

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