Chapter 1312 Leaving the City 6
Ye Xiaoye pouted, threatening.

"Sister Rumu knows that no one can abuse you. If Qingjue and I tell you that you abused us, I guess Rumu can still believe it a little bit." Cang Yuan said fearlessly.

"No! Mother will definitely face me!" Ye Xiaoye insisted.

But in fact, he didn't feel low in his heart...

Think about it and feel pitiful!
He really is a poor child!

Cang Yuan didn't speak, but his expression clearly showed disbelief.

Qing Jue patted Ye Xiaoye on the shoulder, "Okay, Cang Yuan, don't play with him anymore, don't play badly."

Ye Xiaoye suddenly felt that the pig's hand that Qingjue put on his shoulder was burning his shoulder, and quickly shook off Qingjue's hand, "Uncle Qingjue! I want to break up with you!"

"You broke up with me, so you can't follow us?" Qing Jue raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Who said that I followed you? You go your way, I go mine, what's the problem?" Ye Xiaoye felt that life is already so difficult, some things should not be exposed. Doesn't uncle understand this truth? !

"Okay, no problem, then you can go." Qing Jue stepped aside and let Ye Xiaoye go.

Ye Xiaoye gritted his teeth angrily, and walked straight along the street.

Cang Yuan wanted to follow, but was stopped by Qing Jue, "Follow secretly."

"Why? What if Xiaoye really thought we abandoned him?" Cang Yuan felt that today was too much.

"He came out to practice, we secretly protect it." Qing Jue only explained this sentence.

Cang Yuan thought it made sense, and always felt that Xiao Ye was smart and alert, but wanted to see, if he was the only one, how would he face it?

Ye Xiaoye walked a long way, but didn't feel anyone following behind, so she couldn't help turning her head to look behind, it's good...there is no one in sight!

Ye Xiaoye's heart suddenly suffocated, and the feeling of grievance welled up.

Finally, after thinking about it, did he come out to make a living?Isn't it better to have no one to follow?
So, Ye Xiaoye figured it out immediately, but still blamed those two people.

"Qing Qingjue, if you have a wife, you don't want me anymore, hmph!" Thinking about how Qingjue never left him before, but now!

"Hmph! There's also Caixin. If Caixin says she doesn't want me, she doesn't want me anymore. She obviously said before that she won't want me. Hmph! I don't want you either!"

"And Daddy, who has slept for so long, hmph, wait for you to wake up and look at me...see what I do...hmph, I'll decide to ignore you first."

Ye Xiaoye just walked all the way and thought about it all the way.

Qing Jue and Cang Yuan were quite speechless listening in the dark.

"It turns out that Xiaoye has so much resentment, I can't play tricks on Xiaoye in the future." Cang Yuan felt very guilty when he thought of teasing Xiaoye like this today.

"It's nothing, I understand Xiao Ye's temperament, he never takes it to heart." Qing Jue comforted Cang Yuan.

In fact, Cang Yuan was just worried that Ye Xiaoye was depressed, felt the atmosphere was heavy, and deliberately made a joke.

"It seems that Xiaoye really misses Caixin very much. With Caixin's appearance, I am really worried that Xiaoye will be forgotten. Then, Xiaoye will be so sad."

"According to Xiaoye's sullen temperament, even if he meets Caixin in the future, he won't take the initiative to talk to Caixin. Because he will make sure whether Caixin still remembers him." Qing Jue raised his eyebrows and said.

(End of this chapter)

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