Chapter 1318 Leaving the City 12
It's just a good-looking servant girl. I believe her original master will not mind it. Even if she does, just say that the young master escaped from the food money and used this little servant girl to pay for it. That's fine. !
The bustard has even thought about the way out!

Nodding in satisfaction, the spiritual power of a slave is not very high, otherwise how could he be a slave?Even if the family is poor, as long as they have high spiritual power and good talent, they will be treated kindly wherever they go!

So the bustard didn't take Cang Yuan seriously at all, after all, there were quite a few people in Wanhualou!
The bustard winked at the thugs standing on both sides, and the thugs on both sides immediately walked towards Cang Yuan.

Just as Cang Yuan turned around, he heard the sound of messy footsteps coming from behind, which showed that there were not many people there!
Squinting her eyes, the bustard really took her as a bully!
Cang Yuan turned around directly, and fought against the thugs of Wanhualou!

In less than a while, all the thugs of Wanhualou were lying on the ground!
The old bustard took a few steps back in shock, and looked at Cang Yuan as if she had seen a ghost. Obviously, a weak woman was able to put so many shouts to the ground!

The old bustard looked at Cang Yuan's clothes, and they didn't look very good, but ordinary maids from wealthy and powerful families couldn't dress so well either!

Then who is this person!

The old bustard had never seen Cang Yuan appear in Licheng before, so he quickly realized, isn't this a person from Licheng?

" are not from Licheng? Who are you? What are you going to do?" The old bustard retreated again and again, because Cang Yuan was approaching step by step.

Because of the movement at the door, the people inside panicked.

The guests of Wanhualou just came to have fun, and naturally they didn't care about it when they saw something went wrong, so they left immediately.

"I am indeed not from Licheng. As for who I am, you don't need to know. Also, if you ask me what I want to do, why don't you answer me, what do you want to do?" Cang Yuan was completely angry, He actually wanted to force her to stay in this kind of place!
What if she didn't have the strength to fight back?Don't you have to obediently obey?
I don't know how many girls in this building came here voluntarily!
Cang Yuan thought, at least he has the ultimate spiritual power now, so he has to demolish this place to calm down!

Thinking of this, Cang Yuan was not polite, and directly demolished the house!

"Oh, my aunt, don't dismantle it. I can't explain to the higher authorities if you dismantle it! Auntie, I beg you." The old bustard started to get scared, and hurried forward to hold Cang Yuan's body hand, Cang Yuan's eyes turned cold, and he threw the old bustard away.

The old bustard thought that he couldn't stop it. In order not to cause trouble, those guests had already run away, and they didn't even give them money!
I have already lost enough today, if the young master blames me...

The old bustard didn't dare to imagine, and quickly looked at the person beside him who had been watching in a daze, and said angrily, "What are you doing watching! Hurry up and report to the young master! Say something happened to Wanhualou!"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Cang Yuan continued to dismantle it as if he didn't hear the bustard's begging for mercy and the voice of asking for help!

Speaking of which, Linyuan Academy is not afraid of leaving the city!
And no matter what, she was right!
When the Wanhua Building was almost destroyed, Cang Yuan clapped his palms with satisfaction, wiped off the non-existent dust, and looked at his "masterpiece" with satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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