Chapter 1323 Leaving the City 17
Situ Qing stopped walking, and after a while, he said softly: "There is no reason."

He didn't know why, he wanted to invite, so he invited, and he followed his heart.

The guard stopped asking, and walked quietly behind Situ Qing.

Enjoying the tranquility at this moment, Situ Qing took a deep breath and said, "This city is becoming more and more strange to me every day."

"Why did you say that, young master?" the guard couldn't help asking.

"Isn't it?" Situ Qing turned her head and looked at the guard.

The guard thought for a while, then nodded, "Indeed."

"Hasn't anyone from the city been here for a long time?" Situ Qing seemed to be asking the guards, but at the same time he seemed to be asking himself.

"Yes, young master, it's been a long time since no one came. The business of each family and the outside world has all ended early." The guard replied.

Situ Qing nodded, "Yes, no outsider has been here for a long time."

"Young master, did that woman come from outside today?" The guard suddenly realized, how could he say that the young master would invite a stranger, so the young master could tell that she is not from the city?
"This young master is just guessing. After all, not all young masters know young girls from Licheng. Whether they are or not, they have to apologize, don't you think so?" Situ Qing asked with a chuckle.

"But young master, this matter is not your fault, and you handled it properly on her side. The subordinates don't think there is anything wrong with you." The guard looked at Situ Qing in confusion. , how does the young master want to compensate that woman?
"Okay, you just say I'm bored." Situ Qing waved his hand to stop the guard from continuing.

"Yes..." The guard responded, retreated behind Situ Qing, and kept silent.

Situ Qing didn't know why, but she was vaguely looking forward to meeting the woman who demolished the Wanhua Building today!
Maybe it was because that woman seemed special to him, right?
Situ Qing shook her head, she didn't think so much now, whatever.

Thinking about it, she pursed her lips and remained silent before asking the person's name. Perhaps she will be able to find out tonight!

The sky was gradually turning yellow, and the setting sun was gradually being covered by the hills. Ye Xiaoye finally woke up!

Qing Jue and Cang Yuan sat by the table and watched over Ye Xiaoye, seeing him wake up, they both heaved a sigh of relief.

"I feel like I've slept for a long time? I'm hungry." Ye Xiaoye raised his head in confusion, looked at Qing Jue and Cang Yuan and said.

"Yeah, you've been asleep all afternoon!" Cang Yuan pouted.

Qing Jue nodded, Ye Xiaoye is usually unwilling to let Ye Xiaoye take a nap, so this afternoon, Ye Xiaoye felt that he had slept for a long time, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Ye Xiaoye pouted, feeling very hungry after waking up, "I'm hungry."

"Hurry up and wash your face, I'll take you to a big meal!" Cang Yuan said with a smile.

"Where are we going to eat?" Ye Xiaoye asked expectantly, he had completely forgotten at this time, how did he come back?

But with Qing Jue and Cang Yuan by his side, they must have brought him back!
"Secret it first! You will know when it comes! It will definitely satisfy you." Cang Yuan said with full of temptation.

Ye Xiaoye immediately got out of bed to wash her face, and after cleaning herself quickly, she asked Cang Yuan, "Is it okay now?"

Cang Yuan looked at Ye Xiaoye's clothes, thought for a while, and asked him to change.

(End of this chapter)

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