Chapter 1325 Trap 1
Situ Qing didn't ask abruptly what the relationship between them was. After all, no matter what the relationship was, it had nothing to do with him.

After eating and drinking at Situ's house, Situ Qing sent them out. After all, it was getting late.

"I wonder how long Mr. Li and Ms. Li will stay in Licheng?" Situ Qing asked curiously.

"I don't know yet. Where we go and how long we want to stay depends entirely on our mood." Cang Yuan saw that he had absolutely no intention of answering, so he answered by himself.

"So it's like this! I really envy Mr. Li and Miss Li's carefree life." Situ Qing's tone was full of envy.

It can be heard that maybe it is really envious, but this envy makes Cang Yuan feel puzzling!
"Why would Mr. Situ envy our days of wandering around? Let others choose, and others will choose to live the life of Mr. Situ, right?" Cang Yuan raised his eyebrows.

Situ Qing shook her head, and said with a helpless smile: "I just look glamorous to outsiders, and I can only swallow the pain in it! It's getting late, I'm the one who said too much, Miss Li and Mr. Li , and this kid, please go back."

"Farewell." Qing Jue nodded, took Ye Xiaoye and left.

Because Ye Xiaoye slept all afternoon, she is the most energetic now, clamoring to see the night market.

Left and right just had dinner, so it’s good to take a walk to digest, and enjoy the night view of Licheng!

So, with this in mind, the two took Ye Xiaoye there.

Licheng is a strange city. It looks like it is not isolated from the outside world, but in fact it doesn't have much connection with the outside world.

After walking around half of the street, Ye Xiaoye was so sleepy that the group turned around and went back to the inn.

In faraway cities like this, there are usually not a few inns, because usually no one will stay there, so in Licheng, there is only one inn!

And the fees are quite high!
But a few people are not short of money, and they can still afford it!

The three of them planned to stay in Licheng for a while, and after preparing all the things they would need on the road, they continued on the road.

During this period, Situ Qing invited them to dinner every now and then, and they were considered familiar with those who came and went.

Ye Xiaoye annoyed Qingjue to take him out, Cang Yuan suddenly remembered that the clothes made by the tailor shop before should be ready, so he wanted to get them back.

As soon as he left the inn, Cang Yuan felt that something was wrong, but he looked around and saw nothing suspicious, so he frowned and continued walking.

This weird feeling didn't disappear because Cang Yuan left, she frowned, thinking, could it be that she didn't sleep well recently, so the shadow appeared?

Because Cang Yuan's mental power can't be used, she doesn't know that others use mental power to investigate her and follow her. She just feels a little weird, but she can't tell why.

The old bustard watched Cang Yuan go away with a sneer, a tall man stood beside her, and the mental strength surrounding Cang Yuan came from the whole person.

As expected, the bustard guessed correctly, Cang Yuan has no mental strength!

"Hehe, it's finally time to catch her alone. Now, let's see how she can escape!" the old bustard said coldly.

"I said mom, isn't she just an ordinary girl with no mental strength, why should you spend so much effort and money to deal with it?"

(End of this chapter)

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