Chapter 1328 Trap 4
Not only has no side effects, but it can also increase speed, spiritual power, etc. within a certain period of time!
The man didn't have time to think about it, and when he saw Cang Yuan's figure, he went straight to the southern suburbs and continued running!
I heard that only those with high-level spiritual power can fly a short distance. If a woman can fly, she must have high-level spiritual power!
He had already expected it before, so he wasn't too surprised. The most important thing now is to lure people to the southern suburbs!

If two masters fight in the city, they will definitely alarm the city lord!

If the city lord comes, then everything is over!

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for the city lord to find out!

Moreover, the man has used money to eliminate disasters for others, steal things for others, kill and set fire for others, and the number of enemies has long been beyond count!

It is for others, but all the hatred is on him!
After all, he was doing it!

The man saw the direction of the southern suburbs, he was relieved, and finally led him to the southern suburbs!
The two chased after each other along the way, which attracted a lot of people's attention, but no one cares about this kind of thing. In Licheng, except for the city lord's mansion, there are no officials or anything, it all depends on rules and self-consciousness .

The city lord is usually very busy, so he won't take care of such trivial matters.

After reaching the southern suburb, the man stopped and stood in the southern suburb, waiting for Cang Yuan to arrive.

After Cang Yuan arrived, he frowned and looked at the southern suburbs. Since just now, there were fewer and fewer people, and Cang Yuan wondered if this person set a trap to bring her here!
But even though Cang Yuan was furious in his heart, he still followed through.

Because I am not willing to leave like this!

Arriving in the southern suburbs, Cang Yuan frowned and looked around, afraid that the man had set up an ambush here.

Cang Yuan looked at the man standing there, smiling strangely at her, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

"Hehehe, you really dare to come here, and you are not afraid that I will kill you?" The man spoke for the first time.

That laughter makes my heart go numb!
"Don't dare." Cang Yuan narrowed his eyes, "Give me back the money bag, otherwise, you will be at your own risk!"

"Hehe, come and get it if you have the ability."

The man sneered, some desperadoes like him are ruthless!
This woman is pampered at first glance, even if her spiritual power is higher than him, she will be at a disadvantage if she is not as ruthless as him!
Cang Yuan frowned, seeing that the man didn't move.

"You know me?" Cang Yuan asked, and she finally understood that this person seemed to have lured her here on purpose!
Being able to lure her here on purpose, apart from knowing her, there is no other explanation!

Otherwise, why didn't you try your best to escape after robbing the money?

"Of course I don't know him, but you've heard the saying, take people's money and eliminate disasters for others, right?" The man is not worried about Cang Yuan running away, as she won't be able to run away when she gets here!

Unless you can defeat him!
"So, someone paid you to kill me? Who is it?" Cang Yuan asked calmly.

What is certain now is that she has indeed fallen into a trap set by others, but she still doesn't know how many people the other party has and whether they have set any formation traps, and Cang Yuan has thought about everything that can trap people.

"Do you think I will tell you obediently, who is it?" The man thought the girl was a little funny, she was so naive at this time!
"Brother, come out!" The man looked away from Cang Yuan, looking behind Cang Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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