Chapter 1335 Trap 11
Because the goal is to go to the Twilight Academy, but the journey is far away, the three of them did not choose to hurry, but played while walking, so Ye Xiaoye basically did not practice during this period.

The scenery of Licheng was almost finished, and when the three of them were about to leave, the situation happened again!

When he got up early the next morning, he learned that the city lord had brought people to surround the only inn. It was said that he was looking for some murderer?
After getting up, he heard the noise outside, and after vaguely listening to it, he went to call Ye Xiaoye to get up. When he came out, he saw Cang Yuan walking out of his room frowning.

"What happened outside? Why is it so noisy?" Cang Yuan was a little unhappy to be woken up early in the morning.

"The city lord sent people to surround the inn, looking for the murderer." Qing Jue told Cang Yuan.

When Cang Yuan heard this, most of his drowsiness went away, and he asked calmly, "You said, are you looking for a murderer outside?"

Qing Jue nodded.

"Could it be that the two people in the southern suburbs... were discovered? Or, it was the person behind the scenes who deliberately let others know!" Cang Yuan frowned. She felt that the city lord sent someone to kill her. things about!

"Don't worry, this matter is not your fault." Qing Jue can only comfort him now, vaguely heard that there are many rules and laws in Licheng, one of which is to kill for life!
Cang Yuan nodded. In today's world of cultivating immortals, where killing people is not illegal, as long as your fists are strong, you can kill whoever you want, not to mention it's not her fault, so why should she let those two scumbags die? Pay the bill!
"Go down and have a look first?" Cang Yuan looked at Qing Jue, the two of them were standing on the corridor, and the others went down to watch the fun.

"Wait." Qing Jue shook his head, not agreeing to go down now.

"The law in Licheng is clear, and killing people pays for their lives. I'm afraid that if we continue like this, the city lord will not listen to our explanation." Qing Jue said what he was worried about.

"Then what should we do now? Just leave?" Cang Yuan thought for a while and asked, according to their spiritual power, it is not difficult to escape in Licheng, but for the sake of those two men, it is not worth the embarrassment to escape, right?
Qing Jue shook his head, not knowing what to do for a while.

When the two of them were silent, Ye Xiaoye came out of his room, "It's just dawn, so let's not sleep..."

Ye Xiaoye walked out with her eyes closed, and fell on Qing Jue's body.

"No more." Cang Yuan pulled Ye Xiaoye and told him to stand up straight, "Something has happened, wake up!"

Ye Xiaoye immediately opened his eyes, and asked excitedly: "What happened? Is there any excitement?"

"Yes, I'm lively, do you want to see it?" Cang Yuan asked in a relaxed tone with his arms folded.

"Sister Cangyuan, don't make jokes." Ye Xiaoye was a little depressed, but hearing the noise outside, it seemed like something extraordinary happened?

"What happened outside?" Ye Xiaoye looked outside, there were so many people talking outside, and he didn't know what they were talking about?
"Do you still remember the last time I was tricked to the southern suburbs? I killed the person who wanted to kill me. Maybe the people behind him took advantage of the law of leaving the city to deal with me." Cang Yuan's face became serious, This person must have come prepared!

Otherwise, even the city lord will not be dispatched!
(End of this chapter)

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