Chapter 1337 Trap 13
City Lord Situ Ming frowned, but still nodded, "That's right, I am the City Lord of Li City."

Cang Yuan raised his eyebrows and stopped talking, and walked up to Situ Ming with Qing Jue.

Situ Ming didn't expect that he could be so confident after killing someone in his territory, he only felt that his majesty had been challenged!

"Take them down!" Situ Ming asked Qing Jue and Cang Yuan to be taken down as soon as he opened his mouth.

Cang Yuan frowned, "Wait!"

"What else do you want to say!" Situ Ming raised his hand, motioning his people to stop.

"As soon as the city lord came, he wanted to arrest me indiscriminately. Didn't the city lord have something to say?" Cang Yuan asked coldly.

Situ Ming frowned, looked at Cang Yuan, "Let me ask you, did you kill two people in the southern suburbs a few days ago, one named Zhang San and the other named Li Si!"

"Yes, I killed the man, but may I ask the city lord, how did you know, and why did you come to the door with my portrait?" Cang Yuan asked calmly, without any intention of worrying or fearing, so as to make the surrounding people feel uncomfortable. I don't admire the courage of this little girl!
You know, in Licheng, killing people will pay for their lives!
However, if the circumstances are justifiable, the city lord will punish him lightly.

"I don't think I have the obligation to tell you one by one. I can only tell you that someone witnessed you killing people in the southern suburbs and remembered your face." Situ Ming's tone also became cold.

" that's the case? You believe me when people say I kill people, but have you ever investigated why I killed people and why I brought them to the southern suburbs? According to the spiritual power of those two men, I You can kill them with one hand, so why lead them to the southern suburbs?" Cang Yuan asked the city lord why she killed people.

"The law of Licheng, killing without reason, pays with life!" Situ Ming thought that Cang Yuan was pretending to be stupid, so he pointed it out directly.

Cang Yuan shook his head and said with a smile: "You also know that this is the law of your city. I believe you don't know it. I am not from the city, right? Since I am not from the city, according to our law Rules, just kill the person who wants to kill you, so why care about what other people will say? No one will care about this kind of thing. Since I am not from your city, I don't know about you Naturally, you don’t need to follow the laws of Licheng, but for me, there is only one sentence, whoever offends me, kill!”

"Oh! Good sentence, whoever offends me, kill! Little girl, don't you look at the place where you are standing now? You are now on my site from the city, and you don't need to obey the laws of the city. , do you think it is appropriate?" Situ Ming almost laughed angrily, this is the first time he heard that people in his territory do not have to obey the laws of Licheng!

"But the city wants to figure out one thing. I am not the person you left the city. The person I killed may not be the person you left the city. They are someone who deliberately bought the murderer to kill me. Since you want me to follow you Okay, your rule is, kill without reason and pay for your life, but I am not killing without reason, I am just protecting myself, let me ask the city lord, if I am the person with low spiritual power, and I am the one who died in the southern suburbs, the city lord will know Will you take care of this matter? I am afraid that the city lord will directly say: This is not my person who left the city. If he dies, he will die, right?"

"Also, since you all know that the city owner is called Zhang San,

(End of this chapter)

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