Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1352 Beyond the Warm Snow Valley 6

Chapter 1352 Beyond the Warm Snow Valley 6
"Don't you forget, what else exists in Nuanxue Valley! Which direction did Muer go?" Jin Zhenzhen's reminder woke up Jin Xingshan and Jin Duoduo.

Jin Duoduo's face darkened, and he said with an ugly face: "It's...that direction!"

"No, hurry up and stop Mu'er!" Jin Zhenzhen was completely panicked.

The other two also remembered this, and hurried to find Ye Rumu.

The Nuanxue Valley has a long history. They just found out that there was no one occupying it, so they stayed here!
But before staying here, they will definitely check to see if there is any danger, so the three of them went to look around together, only to learn that there is no snow on the edge of Nuanxue Valley, and there is green grass on the other side. The grass was evergreen, but at that time, they always felt that there was a faint danger there, so none of the three of them went to check.

It's just that after living for so long, everything was safe and there was nothing there, so I forgot about it until Jin Zhenzhen suddenly reminded me!

When the three hurried to that place, Jin Xing looked suspiciously at Jin Duoduo: "Are you really sure that Mu'er is here? I feel a little depressed standing here in this place, how could Mu'er leave?" went in?"

"But Mu'er came in this direction, and we don't see any green in Nuanxue Valley all year round, so Mu'er must have been curious, so he went in to have a look!" Jin Duoduo didn't want to think badly, but when he was outside, he used them. The powerful mental power enveloped the entire Nuanxue Valley, and no one was found!

Of course, what is shrouded does not include the place in front of him.

Up to now, they haven't told Ye Rumu's men, after all, they won't be able to help if they know, maybe it will become more and more chaotic!
Jin Zhenzhen gritted his teeth, "Go in! Zuo has only lived for so many years, but only three old lives! Even if he dies, we must keep Mu girl, otherwise we will have no successors!"

The three old men have nothing to say to Ye Rumu!

Now he is even thinking of exchanging his own life for Ye Rumu's!

Jin Zhenzhen's words touched their hearts, not because there was no follow-up, but because the feelings for Ye Rumu had already grown deep!

And the girl Ye Rumu was really pitiful in their eyes.

Jin Duoduo and Jin Shining nodded at the same time, and the three of them walked in together.

This road is quiet, but even if they are the owners of this place, they have never walked in. At this time, it is a lie to say that they are not worried, but are they afraid?Thousands of years have passed, and they know that there is absolutely no possibility of escaping.

"There are footprints on the ground. Judging by the size, it's likely to be Mu girl and the spirit beast beside her!" Jin Shining saw the footprints on the ground with sharp eyes and said.

"That's right, there's still the sword spirit, although it's shallow, but it's still there!" Jin Zhenzhen frowned and agreed.

That Li Yuan is a sword spirit, with a light body and will not leave multiple footprints, but Ye Rumu is different from Ganoderma lucidum, so it is extraordinarily clear!
"It seems that our guess is not wrong... But, why did Mu girl come in? Didn't Mu girl realize the danger here?" Jin Duoduo was very puzzled. According to Ye Rumu's vigilance, Ye Rumu might Mu is much more careful than the three bad old men!
(End of this chapter)

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