Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1365 Beyond the Warm Snow Valley 17

Chapter 1365 Beyond the Warm Snow Valley 17
Li Yuan looked at Ye Rumu in confusion. After all, there were not so many twists and turns in his mind, so he asked directly: "What is the master worried about?"

"I'm worried whether Master Jing Xing can really save Yao." Ye Rumu accepted Jing Xing as a master very quickly. After all, when she saw Jing Xing, she felt a little familiar.

"Master, don't worry. Since Jing Xingshang has said so, then you are sure. Jing Xingshang will never do things that you are not sure about." Li Yuan shook her head and said, after knowing each other for so many years, she understands Jing Xingshangshen, if the master didn't lose his memory, he would be more familiar with Jing Xingshangshen than her.

"Well, go to sleep." Ye Rumu responded, not knowing whether she was relieved or not, and finally fell into a deep sleep.

Looking at Ye Rumu's sleeping face, Li Yuan thought that the master must be exhausted, so he also closed his eyes.

After a good night's sleep, everyone woke up early in the morning of the next day, because they were pretending to be something in their hearts, and it was impossible to sleep so deeply.

After waking up, I packed up and rushed to Nuanxue Valley. There is no snow here, and I don't know if it belongs to Nuanxue Valley.

In general, Nuanxue Valley really only has one exit and one entrance.


In that distant fairyland, the magnificent palace was empty.

Mimeng was still sitting on the steps in front of the palace, her body was stained with a lonely atmosphere, she who was staring at a certain direction suddenly moved, and said with her lips: "Have you found it?"

Sensing something leaning towards her, Mimeng lowered her head, looked at the little beast that looked exactly like Ganoderma lucidum, and pursed her lips, "Lingcao, you're being mischievous again."

Immediately, the spirit grass became even more joyful.

Lingcao and Ganoderma lucidum are twin beasts, she and Rosemary have one, but because Rosemary had an accident, she did not witness their birth, so Mimeng left the Lingcao in the fairyland, and took the Ganoderma to cultivate. Fairyland.

The purpose of keeping Ganoderma lucidum in the world of cultivating immortals was to give it back to Rosemary and protect Rosemary by the way.

Lingcao always knew that she had a twin sister, but Lingzhi never knew.

Compared with the arrogant temperament of Ganoderma lucidum, Lingcao is gentle, gentle, quiet, a typical lady.

Thinking about it, Mimeng couldn't help laughing.

Lingcao immediately turned into a little girl who looked exactly like Ganoderma lucidum, staring at Mimeng, "Master, you are laughing at me again!"

"Where is it?" Mimeng put on a smile and asked seriously.

Lingcao believed what Mimeng said the most, and if Mimeng said no, then there was no!

"Then what is the master laughing at?" Lingcao asked curiously.

"I think of my sister, and I also think of your sister." Mimeng smiled and looked at the bottom of the palace. Directly below this is the vast world of cultivating immortals. However, if you want to compare the world of cultivating immortals with the world of immortals, it can only be regarded as a corner of the world of immortals. big.

"Speaking of which, Lingcao has never met her younger sister, nor has she met the master's younger sister." Lingcao blinked and said.

Mimeng looked at the magnificent palace behind her, her eyes darkened, "Things have changed, people have changed, the maze that used to be bustling is now deserted, and I am the only one left to guard it."

"Master, Lingcao is still with you..." Lingcao stretched out her small arms and hugged Mimeng.

Mimeng buried her head in the body of the spirit grass, a drop of tear slipped down and disappeared into the air.


Relying on their spiritual power, Ye Rumu and the others quickly returned to the house in Nuanxue Valley.

(End of this chapter)

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