Chapter 1371 Back to Twilight Academy 3
"Is now the time to talk about this! Mu'er is about to leave, and you didn't give Mu'er any advice." Jin Xingxing glared at Jin Duoduo.

Jin Duoduo curled his lips, "It's not that we won't be able to see each other. If we want to see each other, we can just go to the Twilight Academy to see Mu'er. Mu'er can come back and live if he is free."

Jin Duoduo and Jin Xingxian quarreled again, and Jin Zhenzhen gave Ye Rumu some serious instructions and told them to be safe.

The time to leave is set for the next morning. It is better to travel during the day than at night.

Ye Rumu nodded seriously, taking Jin Zhenzhen's words into his heart.

In fact, what Jin Zhenzhen talked about the most was the current situation in the world of cultivating immortals.

After all, Ye Rumu has never experienced in the world of cultivating immortals, or where he has been. If you want to say that he has gone the most, it is only the Twilight Academy. After staying in the Twilight Academy for a while, he came to Nuanxue Valley. After all, the world of cultivating immortals was still a strange world to her.

Early the next morning, the three Jin brothers personally sent everyone away from the world of cultivating immortals. With tears in Jin Duoduo's eyes, Yuanfa left the cook behind. This place, coupled with getting older, didn't want to bother anymore, so I stayed.

Yuanfa did not lack this cook, so he was ignored.

In addition, the three Jin brothers did not look down on him at all. Even in normal times, they are brothers and sisters with the cook, so Yuanfa is very relieved, and the cook likes this place very much.

After leaving Nuanxue Valley, he naturally returned to Twilight Academy according to the route he had come here before.

They also passed Zhuangcheng on the way, and everyone decided to take a rest in Zhuangcheng.

Before, Ye Xiaoye and the others wanted to go back to the Twilight Academy, so the route from the mountain to this place was the right one, but Ye Xiaoye and the others wanted to play for a while, and were not in a hurry.

Ye Rumu and the others were not in a hurry, and while looking for the whereabouts of Yunfeng and Yunxing, they got acquainted with the world of cultivating immortals by the way.

Ye Rumu and Bai Liyao went to the street, and Qingxue and the others went to play by themselves. Ye Rumu looked at the gadgets on the stalls on both sides of the world of cultivating immortals, and couldn't help laughing: "Seeing such a street, I'm in a daze. I thought it was in Dongxing Kingdom."

Baili Yao nodded, feeling dazed for a while, time always flies by so fast, it's been a long time since he left Dongxing Kingdom, but when he thinks about it now, it seems like it was still yesterday!
"Dongxingguo... I don't know if there will be a chance to go back in the future, but let's not mention these for the time being. Even if we go back, earth-shaking changes have taken place, right?" Ye Rumu's eyes were a little jerky. Everyone will be gone, and Dongxing Kingdom does not know whether it will exist. After all, the general trend of the world is that the long-term unity must be divided, and the long-term unity must be united.

Dongxing Kingdom wasn't supposed to be strong in the first place, but without Bailiyao, now... it's more like a piece of loose sand, right?

In the past, other countries were eyeing...

Baili Yao held Ye Rumu's hand tightly, squeezed the flesh in her palm, and said with a light smile, "What will happen to Dongxing Kingdom in the future? What does it have to do with us? It has nothing to do with us anymore."

"Yeah..." Ye Rumu concealed her sadness, she knew that once she left, everything in Dongxing Country would slowly disappear, but she still wouldn't regret it, because she was walking the right way !
(End of this chapter)

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