Chapter 1374 Back to Twilight Academy 6
After hearing what Zhuang Ke said, Caixin nodded.

Caixin walked in front, staring blankly at the city that once belonged to her father.

And Zhuang Ke looked at Caixin from behind, and his memory went back to a long, long time ago.

At that time, the former city lord was still there. When the former city lord selected him as the next heir, he pointed to the pink and lovely Caixin not far away and asked him, "This is Caixin. Do you like her?"

At that time, Zhuang Ke didn't know what the former city lord's liking meant, but he just looked at Caixin and thought she was cute, so he nodded and said he liked her.

The former city lord immediately showed joy and asked him, "How about being Xiao Ke's wife in the future? Will Xiao Ke marry us Caixin?"

The immature Zhuang Ke looked at Caixin, and the more he looked at her, the more he liked her. Furthermore, the city lord asked him if he would marry Caixin, and Zhuang Ke was naturally willing, because he thought Caixin was so cute!How can there be such a cute girl, so pink and tender that people want to protect her.

His thoughts came back, and now, Zhuang Ke has understood what liking is and what love is. He has long been prepared to take care of Caixin for the rest of his life, but does Caixin think?Zhuang Ke was very confused.

At that time, knowing that the banker was destroyed and Caixin disappeared, Zhuang Ke was dumbfounded. After inheriting the position of the city lord, he kept sending people to find Caixin's whereabouts. It's just that maybe God didn't treat him very well. Time can't find Caixin.Fortunately, she finally came back!
She came back with two adults and a boy about her age, but Zhuang Ke breathed a sigh of relief. Caixin and the boy were still young, so they wouldn't have any unreasonable thoughts. Sure enough, that The boy finally left, and the sad Caixin never even went to see him off.

"Brother Zhuang Ke, what are you thinking?"

After thinking about it, Zhuang Ke fell behind by such a large distance. He suddenly looked up and found that Caixin was looking at him suspiciously.

Zhuang Ke quickly regained his senses, walked in front of Caixin, shook his head, "It's okay, I thought of something."

"Oh...Brother Zhuang Ke, if you have something to do, go back first. You don't have to stay with me. If you don't trust me, you can ask someone to stay with me." Caixin said seriously, not wanting Zhuang Ke delays business because of her.

Zhuang Ke shook his head, "I still have some time to spend with my little princess!"

Caixin's thoughtful words moved Zhuang Ke's heart. His little princess is back...

That Caixin who is always worried about other people's understanding.

Caixin looked at Zhuang Ke with a smile, and nodded, "Okay, brother Zhuang Ke, you have to stay with me all the time today!"

"Okay, as long as you are willing." Zhuang Ke looked at Caixin indulgently and smiled.

For so long, this was the first time Zhuang Ke saw Caixin smiling, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit emotional. Originally, he felt guilty because he didn't watch Caixin today and let Caixin come out alone, but now Zhuang Ke doesn't feel guilty at all. Because Caixin has met the person who can persuade her.

It can be said that it is fortunate!

After Caixin came back, Caixin began to beg Zhuang Ke to allow outsiders to enter Zhuangcheng after inspection. Zhuang Ke can be said to be obedient to Caixin. Said and done.

Otherwise, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao would have no way to come in. At this time,
(End of this chapter)

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